Hello Jammers and welcome back to another Grace2092 post every friday for your entertainment!
So I am posting this a day earlier then friday because I am busy tomorrow. I am also sorry I have missed last friday, I have been very busy but I am going to get back on track, I promise. :)

Anyway, so lets get talking about Facts, Reviews and Opinions :D

So in the Jamaa Journal we have Pet Lynxes! I think these creatures are a true beauty because the wild cat in them is so unique espesialy their ears, I love them.
Question: Do you like this pet that has come to Jamaa or would you prefer to spend your diamonds on a different animal? And, any facts you know about them.

Animal Jams Birthday Party! Yay! Now its been five years on Animal Jam! And five years for me! I am so happy that we are celebrating this glorious time of year for our online game :D Happy birthday to you!
Question: How many years have you been playing Animal Jam, if so longer, Beta Days?

Animal Jam play wild app. Okay so now we have updated the play wild app. That is pretty much all I have to say, nothing much because I have not joined it yet. :T
Question: Do you play and do you think that animal jam head quarters is using to much electronics for a natural animal game?

Carnival is closing up so everything is 50% off! Yay but then again no, but then again yay again because it will come back next year with more stuff :D
Question: Did you like the Carnival?

Well thank you for reading my posts. Animal Jam Community Blog Crew is working on a schedule that we can all work on so I am very sorry that we have not been posting interesting or up to date blogs in a while. School is back in California so I am having trouble with that. :( But stay positive and work hard :) Anyway thank you so much and please leave whatever answer or question you have to say in the comment box. Lots of love!


Contact me at grace2092animaljam@gmail.com
Post every fridays for your entertainment!


  1. I love lynx! They are SUPER adorable! If only people used these guys instead of wolves for warrior cats now!

    I have been playing AJ for 3 years, since 2013. Happy 5th birthday AJ! You are still the best game ever!

    As for Play Wild, I actually kind of like how they are running this game. It has facts all around, like how you can click the ladybug, plus it still looks pretty nature-y to me! :)
    And of course, I like the prizes from the carnival! :DD
    Thanks for posting Grace! I like these kinds of posts! Jam On!

    1. Thank you swirlshine for commenting, you are such a good writer, always positive. Someday this will pay off :D

  2. Lynxes are animals not pets. Just saying, im not tryna be a hater B)

  3. Nice post, Grace!

    1. I like the lynxes, and I am tremendously happy they have come! However, I do believe that AJHQ could have put a bit more effort into the design (though I am just being picky at this point!)

    2. I believe this will be my second or third year playing Animal Jam! My AJ anniversary is in November, which is the month that I began playing it!

    3. It actually seems as though AJ is staying even more true to the natural aspect of Animal Jam in Play Wild!

    4. I've enjoyed the Carnival. I love some of the items there, because they are quirky and well designed!

    Keep up the great work, Grace. Your posts are very interesting and insightful!

    - Arctic
