Aloe Vera Plant and Internet Issues!

Greetings! Unfortunately, my internet seems to be having issues, and decides to quit on me every 2-3 minutes (this has been going on for the past few days). Because of this, I have to re-connect the internet each time, and it taking ridiculously long for it to work. I am not sure how long I have until the internet decides to just give up on me XD. For that reason, I will not be able to do a Jammer Sundae this week (as the internet won't "stay put" long enough for me to find and upload pictures!) I am terribly sorry; next week's Jammer Sundae will be creative and new!

Our new item is the Aloe Vera Plant! I think this is a very well designed item. The price is great, and the item itself looks very nice when placed in a den! Did you know that real-life aloe vera can be used to treat and heal cuts, burns, rashes, and even makes good food, water, and medicine? It's like miracle plant! Be sure to buy this item today for 450 gems in Treetop Gardens!

Do you think Aloe Vera can treat my internet connection problems? Probably not.
Also, Animal Jam quit on me before I could take a screenshot, but there is a nice new item in Epic Wonders called the Opal Necklace! The colours and aesthetic is great, so I strongly suggest you go check it out!

And now, it is time for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Phrontistery: A thinking place

Our fact of the day:

Although Ancient Grecian and Roman sculptures that we find today are all plain white marble, scientists have discovered remnants of pigment on some of the sculptures! This leads them to believe that once, these figures were brightly painted and colourful!

Ah, how amazing it would have been to see a full-colour version of some of the Renaissance Art!

Happy Jamming!

Feel free to contact me at !


  1. Nice post Arctic! I use Aloe on my sunburns a lot, hehe. The Opal Necklace is cool too.

  2. Thanks!

    I find it so amazing that there are so many different uses for plants, be it healing, nourishing, or even creating things like cloth!

    I like how the Opal necklace looks, and I am happy that AJHQ is still making creative items!

    - Arctic

  3. Artic please remember to do the Jammer Sundaes once your internet gets better!!!
    D= I waited all week for it because i don't wanna have to find all of those pictures

    1. Hey 3greenfroggie! Just wanted to let you know that I have read your comment, and updated my Monday post. It now contains an (unfortunately) late Jammer Sundae for your enjoyment!

      Happy Jamming!

      - Arctic

    2. Thanks Artic! <3

    3. Thanks Artic! <3
