Freedom Feather Earrings, Head Flower and Flower Crown

Hey Jammers! Welcome back to another post! Also, Happy Fourth of July Americans! Are you watching fireworks tonight? 
Today we have three new items! You can buy them at the Freedom Party. They are nice items for this weekend's holiday! Do you like Animal Jam changing the colors of regular items? Or do you prefer brand new items? 

Original Item: 500 Gems
Rating: 4/5

Original Item: 500 Gems
Rating: 3/5

Original Item: 550 Gems
Rating: 4/5

The Daily Explorer made a new post today about Fireworks!

Fireworks were first made in China over 1,000 years ago! Today, they are used around the world! To make your own safe fireworks, follow the directions below!

That's all for today Jammers! 

Comment Call:
What are you doing for the weekend?


  1. I'm having a sleepover at my friends house tonight. We're going to a 4th of July festival at my local high school. Then we're gonna play with silly string in the sprinklers at her house and sleep on the trampoline, which is cool because if you lie down on the trampoline and look up, sometimes you see fireworks from people in the neighborhood. :P

  2. Awesome! That sounds fun! Happy 4th of July, Mildriver, that is, if you actually celebrate that holiday, hehe!

  3. Thanks for the experiment! Me and my sister did this and had a great time! :3

  4. Great post, Mldriver!

    I should really try that experiment sometime, it seems fun!

    Happy 4th of July! Seeing as I am not American, I will not be going out for fireworks or anything of that sort ^.^ To all those who are, however, have fun!

    This weekend I am planning to catch up on re-reading Harry Potter and hopefully getting some riding done!

    1. Thank-you Arctic!

      Yes, this summer I hope to start reading the Harry Potter series!
