Underwater Items and Jammer Sundae #33!

Greetings Jammers, Arcticstar here! It has been a very long time since I last posted, but that will be sure to change! The other authors and I have been discussing a set posting schedule which will come into effect as soon as everyone has confirmed that their days work for them. With the new schedule, our posts should be more on time and the posting dates should be less 'confuzzling'!

I have discovered three items that we missed posting about on the Animal Jam Community. Introducing three new underwater den items: The Stone Throne, Sunken Zios Mask, and Seaweed Throne! These are great new items, and I particularly appreciate that AJHQ is touching on the History of Jamaa, which they do not usually focus on that much anymore! Be sure to buy these items today in Sunken Treasures!

Now, I may simply be online too early this morning, and AJHQ may not have added a new item yet. I will be sure to check later to see if there is anything new, and I will update the post accordingly!

And now, it is time for:

How about today, we do funny animal hybrids - just for the fun of it!

First, we have the beautiful and majestic: Barn Lowl!

Next, the fabulous Rumble Bee!

The elusive and mysterious Koalephant:

And finally, the graceful Hoose:


That's all for Jammer Sundaes. Tell me, which one of these did you find the funniest? I personally like the Barn Lowl. Be sure to leave a response!

And now, for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Bumbershoot: Umbrella

Try saying bumbershoot next time instead of umbrella, and see how people react!

Our fact of the day:

The average person's thumb is the exact same length as their entire nose.

Cool! Try it and see if you are among these people!

That's all for today, folks. See you tomorrow for the Rare Item!

Happy Jamming!
Feel free to contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !

P.S. Hey, authors! The updated version of the Posting Schedule is should be in your inbox. Be sure to give one last confirmation about the posting dates before we make the schedule official!


  1. It's hard to find every daily item when you can't remember some stores like the underwater ones. The underwater realm needs more attention by us.... :(

    If those creatures ever existed, I would go and search for them. O.O

    Friend: Hey, it's raining...
    Me: Yeah, I need to go back home. We should open our bumbershoots!
    Friend: Our what?
    Me: Bumbershoots!
    Friend: What is a 'bumbershoot'? I don't even have one!
    Me: Yes, you do. *takes out umbrella and walks off*
    Friend: *shrugs, opens umbrella and also walks off*
    ~1 hour later~
    Friend: Ooh...now I get what a "bumbershoot" is!
    ~The End~

    Ha ha! First and best script I made in a long time!


    1. I have got to use this script someday!

      I agree, the Oceans of Jamaa are great, and very underrated.

      - Arctic

  2. Lol I likes the barn lowl too!
    Unikitty777 :3

    1. It is such a strange and silly looking creature, is it not?

      - Arctic

  3. Replies
    1. The rumble bee is hilarious!

    2. I also loved the Rumble Bee :D

      It just looks so silly and unique!

      - Arctic
