Hello Jammers!

Hello Fellow Earthlings,

So I am going to just name a couple things! I have not really planned this, lol. So, I am going to catch up on the Animal Jam excitement so we all know whats buzzin like a bumble bee in Jamaa,

1. We have an amazing set of Elegant Furniture in Cave of Wonders store located in Coral Canyons.
I think that they are spooky and also very homey, they would be best used in a castle.
 2. Its June! YAY! I find this the best month and December (Jesus's Birthday) because its my birthday too! June 27th! Only in a week or so. So here are the beautiful Red Roses and the Birth Stone!
3. Carnival! I have about 50,000 tickets! So if ANYONE needs me to buy them something, I can! lol. Anyway thats about all and I hope you Enjoyed!

"Keep Jamming!"



  1. What does the .00 mean? Example: 1500.00.

    1. That may be because of her computer or tablet. Puffin, an app when you can play Animal Jam, adds the .00 onto all of the price tags. I think it means cents, for example, $1.50.

  2. What does the .00 mean? Example: 1500.00.
