Update and Play Wild Beta

Ferretlove36036 here!
Update: cheetahs are back, buddy game bowling, mechanical future items. I can't find any screenshots or take any because I'm using a Note Tab III, which I can't Jam on.😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😠😠😠😠
On to the good stuff...
Play wild Beta
Ok imagine Beta animal Jam. That content with really cool 3D graphics. Crystal Sands is the same as now with no buildings. Mt. Sheveer doesn't exist. But people act worse than on real Animal Jam. I saw no less than two Google+ posts about two animals doing something UNSPEAKABLY HORRIBLE on Jamaa Township. Club Geoz is cool though. The app wasn't transferred to my new tablet. If it had been, I'd have shown you screenshots. BTW, TheHipsterPanda what should I Google for the username thingy? If anyone who is testing PWB could email me some screenshots and more current info at Ferretlove36036@gmail.com,  that will be a HUGE help! Be sure to tell me your username if you want to be recognized in my next post!
Has anyone seen Julian2? He's disappeared! Not that I care much. Jam on, Jammers,
👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑 Ferretlove36036👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
P.S. I think I accidentally deleted a post! I'm sooooo sorry! ***update*** I didn't delete anybody's post!


  1. You are awesome!

  2. What do you mean by 'username thingy'?

    1. The name tag with a username that authors like Mldrive and Arcticstar8404 use at the end of posts. Sorry but I am not a fan of PicMonkey��. To each his/her own, I guess.

  3. Julian2 was banned by Wrenchedjungle, a hacker that hacked into a lot of famous You-Tubers' accounts. You can still go to his den by going through a portal at Teals's den, but if you click his name, his player card doesnt show up. Keep jamming on Ferretlove!!!


    1. Thanks. He was doing a ton of stuff that is innapropiate aanyways.
      P.S. Annnette Elizabeth is my nickname, in case I comment under that name, that's me, ok?
