Rover Tracks, Sweet Peas,Daily Explorer Post, and Experiments with Arctic!

Greetings Jammers, Arcticstar here. I hope you are having a wonderful week! Let's get on to the post, shall we?

 First off, we have the new Rover Tracks. These are sold in Jam Mart Furniture for 350 gems! And, rejoice, as it is non-member! This Deep Space set is proving to have a lot of interesting items. Do you think that AJHQ will release an Outer Space themed den anytime soon? That would be pretty cool, if you ask me! Be sure to pick up your Rover Tracks today!

Next, we have two, slightly older, but still new items. I bring you, the Sweet Pea and Sweet Pea Bouquet! I think AJHQ did a great job on making all these flowers, and I really like all of them- particularly the daffodils... Hey, remember my obsession with daffodils? I still adore them! Anywho, be sure to buy these fabulous flowers at Treetop Gardens when you have the time!

Get it? I am on a flower bed (sleeping because it is a flower BED) and it has my favourite flowers in it? DAFFODILS!! Don't know what I am going on about daffodils for? Check out this post here so that you will understand!

Man, I love those flowers!

Next, we have a two new Daily Explorer posts: How to make Emotes and How to trade Safely!

This first one teaches you all about how to post emotes in the comments of the Daily Explorer, and online! The rhino in this is really quite cute, too. Just look at him! Isn't he adorable? Wait.. Back on topic, be sure to check this post out right here!

Taken from the Daily Explorer
This next one talks about how to make sure you don't get scammed, and how to trade using the trade system. Pretty helpful tips, if you ask me! Be sure to check out the full post here

Hey, Greely looks like me when my internet doesn't work when I need/really want it to! How did AJHQ get this picture to so accurately represent the feelings of so many people?! Honestly though... Does this picture of Greely represent your internet struggles in any way? Or is this just me being crazy... Hmm...

Taken from the Daily Explorer

And now, it is time for the factual part of this post!

Our word of the day:

Borborygmus: The official term for when your stomach growls.

Now that you know this, you can sound a lot more professional when you speak! Muhaha BROUHAHA!

Our fact of the day:

So, what are you waiting for? Go try it, and tell me the outcome in the comments! You know what? Get your friends and family to try it too! Let's conduct a massive worldwide experiment! Be sure to tell me the results, as I want to see if this works for some, and not others! Hmmm. I might even try doing a segment called experiments with Arcitc...

Have an awesomazing day!

Contact me at !


  1. I only feel very very very very VERY slightly dizzy.. does that count?

    1. Hmm... I think it should count. Any dizziness at all is still dizziness, after all!

      - Arctic

    2. I got the same results as Cloudclaws. :p

    3. You're welcome

  2. I didn't feel dizzy at all but I have really weird fingers.

    1. It's mostly a sensation that occurs because it also hits the sensitive part of your teeth, so it isn't only fingers. Cool huh?

      It's cool that there are mixed results, to be honest!

      - Arcticstar

  3. It made my eyes hurt for some reason.

    1. Hmm, funny, isn't it? Such mixed results!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I also tried this. It seemed to have no effect on me whatsoever... Except maybe that I felt strange for hitting my thumb against my teeth... But then again, that is not what the outcome is meant to be either now is it?

    - Arctic

    1. Yes, doing that made me feel weird too lol.
