Jamaa Journal VOL. 144

(Don't forget to check out today's post by Arcticstar below!)

I apologize for my lack of posting lately. My school is having GIGANTIC TESTS along with exams! We are also switching to iPads instead of books, so it's been a bit stressful. I also had my Spring Break last week, so that's also one of the reasons why I didn't post. Please know that I still love this blog dearly, it's just I have been a lot busier than usual. With that out of the way, let's get this post started!

If you logged on Thursday morning, you could see that there was a new update! A brief summary of this update includes:
  • New Gecko Pets!
  • New Bunny
  • Polar Bears left
  • New possible den or lad

Now you can buy a pet Gecko at the Diamond Shop! The way that their body is drawn makes them look a bit, odd? Still adorable though.

Now for the exciting part, a new bunny. And the only way to get it, is through buying a membership. The thing is, I already used my membership card on Wednesday! WEDNESDAY! There are different color patterns, but you can't take it off. 

What do you think this is? I personally think it could be a new den, or a remake of the Canyons Pathway. Either or, it still sounds really interesting!

Well, that's all for the Jamaa Journal, and I'll see you Tuesday!

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