Shamrock Fence, Shamrock Gate, and Leprechaun Shoes

Greetings! I hope you have had an excellent week!

I have decided that I will write posts for Mldriver when I find that she hasn't posted, because it irks me to see that we are missing so many days of posting. It is not good that we are missing almost every other day (including some of my days). I have decided, we need to make a new plan, so there we go!

Alright, sold in Jam Mart Furniture for 400 gems each, we have the Shamrock Fence and Shamrock Gate. I really like these items! They are wooden, and covered in clovers, and go well with many of the Lucky Clovers adventure prizes! Buy these today!

Next, we have the Leprechaun Shoes, which are sold for 500 gems in Jam Mart Clothing! I think this item is quite adorable, with its 'wee' high heels and buckles! It's a shame that it looks so wonky on so many animals!

And now for the factual part of this post!

Our word of the day:

Ardent: expressing, or characterized by warm feeling; passionate

Many adults are ardent about their career.

Our fact of the day:

The largest painting in the world is a 72437 square-foot painting. What is it of? A smiley face!

The world needs more smilies!

Good day!

If you wish to contact me
The easiest way that I can see, 
Is to type my email address into the new mail tab,
Then write, a blurb, a sentence, or a slab!
So if you decide to send me mail, 
Here is how you cannot fail!
Send it right to this fine link:
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