Rare Item Monday!

Greetings Jammers!

It is Monday, and that means we have a rare coming at us today!

Today in the land of Jamaa we have a new and fabulous item. And it's non-member! Great way to start off the week, good job AJHQ! Buy a rare head flower today for 750 gems in Jam Mart Clothing! Huh. The price isn't too horrible either. Has AJHQ had a change of heart?


Get one today!

And now, for the factual part of this post!

Our word of the day:

Bliss: Extreme, pure happiness.

I hope to someday experience a state of bliss.

Our fact of the day:

Flowers grow faster when listening to music.

Does it work on humans?

Huh. This post seems shorter than usual. Well, that's all for today folks!

Good day!
Contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com


  1. Tried making my flower listen to Metallica. I'm still bad at understanding plants.
    Shall I play the ukulele to them?
