Clover Rugs and Beautiful Item!

Greetings Jammers! How are you?

As a sweet recovery from the terrible Rare Item *shudder* we have a reasonably good item! It's cheap, it's non-member, and it looks quite nice. I bring you.... The Clover Rug! I personally like this item! I wonder if you bought enough to cover the entire floor of your den, would it look like a clover-tile floor? It would be nice if I could see how that looked- my inventory is full! Anywho, you can buy this item today for 350 gems in Jam Mart Furniture!

Now the clover rug was nice, but wait until I show you this next item. Sold in Treetop Gardens for 850 gems, I bring you a beautiful item: The Spring Throne!! I. Love. This. Item. I am a huge fan of things that have been made completely out of nature (if that makes any sense) and this fits the bill! Covered in blossoms, vines, and toadstools, this wonderful item can be yours today!

Now it is time for the factual part of this post!

Our word of the day:

Ataraxia: Emotional peace of mind; tranquility

Our fact of the day:

For those of you who have watched the movie Wall-E, the movie takes place in the year 2805.

That is all for today folks!

Having a good day? Having a bad day? You can contact me at !

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