Rare Deer Antlers!

Greetings Jammers!

Today is Monday, meaning that we have a new rare item! Let's see what is in store for us today!

Introducing, the Rare Deer Antlers! You can buy a pair of "prongs" for 1000 gems in Jam Mart Furniture. Remember, this item is available today only!

Hmm... How strange it would be if there was a green-antlered reindeer instead of a red-nosed reindeer... It wouldn't be a very catchy song!

Today, I have another question for you. What is your favourite aspect of Animal Jam? What do you find most enjoyable? Is it the animals? Buddies? What makes you want to keep playing this wonderful game? Tell me in the comments (and feel free to rant!)

Now it is time for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day: 

Corybantic: wild; frenzied.

What an interesting word!
And finally, our fact of the day:

Just like fingerprints, everyone has a unique tongue print.

Hmm... I would much prefer making prints (with ink and paper) with my fingers. I would not fancy licking an inkpad for identification purposes!

Good Smarts!

Send me an owl at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com


  1. The new antlers look like the antlers from Jamaa Rescue adventure! Or maybe they're even same...?
    The word is really interesting :P

    CC: I think it's mostly because of buddies :)

    -Mimi ^-^

    1. I believe the antlers are the same antlers you can receive in the Jamaa Rescue Adventure. I agree, it is an interesting word, isn't it?

      I must agree with you. The buddy aspect of Animal Jam is wonderful!

  2. It'll be a Christmas-colored reindeer! XD
    Interesting word there! o3o

    1. Christmas-coloured reindeer? How odd!

    2. Well, like you said.. A green-antlered reindeer with a red-nose would be like a Christmas-colored reindeer! :3

  3. Those antlers.... XD

    What I like about AJ is that it's mostly about Earth's wilderness and that I found very nice buddies (including you, Arcticstar and Mldriver!) It just keeps me playing this because I'm very shy in real life but I don't when I play on the computer to see my AJ friends. I love all the type of animals you can be, my favs are the Canadian animals (cuz I live there! :D). I also keep playing because I get to learn more about animals and plants from around the world. I learned a lot from these 4 years of playing AJ! Sadly, school is starting to become a big part of me and I also do other fun stuff besides this game. You know that AJ isn't my life! This is why I don't play a lot of this game. I even had a few things to do during the holidays for school and also playing with my Christmas gifts. Great question! :D


    1. Go Canada!

      I agree, school is beginning to catch up with me too, and I do not have much free time for Animal Jam anymore.

      I would have to say that my top reason is one of your reasons- I get to learn more about nature!

      I like your reasons!

      - Arctic

  4. I like that Animal Jam is a fun game that incorporates education in the world. The art and animation is really eye-catching. And unlike other games, Animal Jam doesn't focus on just one aspect like just adventures or just rares, or just friends, but everything altogether. Animal Jam is full of corybantic animals. The game is like a fingerprint, unique and special.

    1. Well worded!

      I agree, many other games focus too much on one particular part of the game, while Animal Jam is 'well rounded'. I think that is what attracted me to the game when I first started.

      Great reasoning!

  5. Is it weird that I use the special word of the day IRL??
    I'm kind of corybantic, hahaha...

  6. Replies
    1. Blargh. I see what you mean, it would not be enjoyable, would it?

    2. Well... Except if it's edible ink. Like though tongue tattoo Fruit-By-The-Foot. X3

    3. Good point! I have seen them, but never tried them before.

      - Arctic

  7. Hello, Jammer1023 here!

    I'd have to say my favorite part is the animal and pet aspect of the game. I have every pet ever made in the game (I call it my Pet Collection). I also have every avatar except the bunny since there isn't enough space to get all of them. My Pet Collection is probably the reason I still play AJ.


    1. All of the pets? Congratulations! That is an accomplishment!


  8. Well, I have several reasons. First of all, I like that Animal Jam is an educational game, and that the company (National Geographic) is trying to help conserve the Earth and its' animals. Secondly, I'd have to say that I really like the originality. I mean, I just think that no one's really ever thought of adventures or things like that before. A lot of time and effort is put into making all the animals, accessories, den items, and lands! Third of all, I really love my buddies. There are the ones I meet online and the ones I know in real life. I know that you can't always trust people you meet online, but I know one of my friends (her username is Snowleopard28) is so nice. We goof around a lot, and I've been in some of her AJ videos. She gave me rare nerd glasses and a heart locket, and I gave her rare mech angel wings, a head feather, and a rare bow.

    ~piggoesoink :P

    P. S.- My main account is poorbunny103. I just comment as piggoesoink because… well, it sounds better don't you think? :)

    1. Very good reasons! I agree, Animal Jam is very original!

      - Arctic
