Garnet Birthstone and Glitch

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I guess I'm a bit late, huh? Oh well!

As usual, Animal Jam was supposed to update today with the Jamaa Journal, but it didn't happen! It seems as if they do this every year, to switch the week that they put out the Jamaa Journal. So I apologize if this post is a bit bland!

The new item today is the Garnet Birthstone, sold in Epic Wonders!

Do you collect the birthstones? I don't, but I should! If you do have a collection, send it in at: ! I would love to see it!

Over at the Daily Explorer, they show you how to make a time capsule! 

Have you ever made a time capsule? They are really fun to do, but it's awhile until you  dig it up again! So make sure not to put anything of importance in there. 

Mom: Lil' Suzie, where did my bills go?
Lil' Suzie: Oh.....

Mom: Lil' Suzie, where did the hamster go?
Lil' Suzie: Oh.....

Don't be a Lil' Suzie!

I also have a glitch that I experienced yesterday! Here is what happened:

So I decided to check out the Epic Dens List. (I honestly don't know why I bother because the dens are usually really crowded, or really empty. For example, the one I went to had two items in it) As usual, un-amused, I went back to my den. However, it wasn't my den! It was the Epic Castle Den and my Cosmo Den mashed-up together! 

Here are the pictures!

This is when I first noticed something was wrong! Especially since there is a twin of me!

So, yeah! If you have any glitches, send them in at! 

That's all we have time for today Jammers! See you in Jamaa!


  1. Great post today Mldriver!

    I could honestly make up so many stories with lil' Suzie XD I like the character!

    Those are some strange glitches you have got there, it's great that you were able to take a lot of photos!

    Happy New Year!

    - Arctic

  2. That is such a wacky glitch! I love your post, and it was loads of fun meeting you today! ^.^

  3. Amazing post! I wish I collect birthstones, but I realized that I want to really late! :(
    These glitches are common, but very weird! :D
    -Mimi ^-^

  4. Lil' Suzie: Mom, what's wrong with the dog?

    Mom: He lost his favorite chew toy. Have you seen it?

    Lil' Suzie: Oh…

    Mom: You know where it is?

    Lil' Suzie: No….

    Happy new year!

    ~piggoesoink :P

  5. Great post as usual!

    You just inspired my New Years resolution: to not be a Lil' Suzie! Haha c;
    Those glitches happened to me too. The twin part is very weird and oddly creepy!

  6. I tried to go to one of the epic dens, but it took me to coral canyons.
