The Return of the Arctic and Items!

Greetings Jammers, Arcticstar here! I have had a very long vacation (so sorry for dumping all that work on you Mldriver!), it is great to be back! I am very sorry for how late this post is!

Since it is the Jamaalidays, I think we should start off this post with the daily gift! And what wonderful item has AJHQ brought to us on this fine Friday? Introducing the icicle horn! This splendid new item comes in a variety of colours, and goes on your head (much like a unicorn horn). I wonder if people will start pretending to be "super-rare ice unicorns" now...

I love the Jamaalidays! Every day a new gift- but that is not all: we still have newly released items! Hmm... I wonder what they are?

First up we have the Ornament Earrings! Sold for 300 gems in Jam Mart Clothing, feel free to get this item today! This item is very festive, though I do not see myself wearing them. I feel they might become popular on Arctic Wolves and Deer though.

Next we have two items sold in Jam Mart Furniture: The Jamaaliday Birdfeeder and The Jamaaliday Window! These two items are both festive and likeable in my opinion: perfect for making a Jamaaliday Cottage! Oh my goodness, they should make a winter cottage den- made of wood! I would love to buy something like that... It would look exactly like the pet cabin- but bigger... And dennier... Is that a word? Anywho, here are the two items:

But wait, there's more! The Ice Fort (is that what it is called?) den has returned, and is now sold in Coral Canyons! If you do not have it, and want it, buy one today!

And now it is time for: THE FACTUAL PART OF THIS POST! Err ahem.

Our wonderful word of the day:

Halcyon: a period of time in the past that was particularly happy and peaceful

Yeesh! All these words that I have no idea about- it is truly astonishing!

Our fabulous fact of the day:

Coca-cola would be green if it were not for the food colouring that the company adds

The things you learn are amazing!

Good Smarts to you!

Feel free to contact me at



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