Jingle Bell Bracelets & Jamaaliday Jingle

Hey Jammers! Today is going to be a short post because I woke up late! 

Anywho, the Jamaaliday Gift is the Jingle Bell Bracelets:

I don't know how I feel about this particular item. It doesn't fit well on my Polar Bear, and it looks small. But, it's new, so I guess I can't complain. If you wanted a different color of this, listen up!

Login into Jamaa
Click the gift
If you don't like your gift, reload your page, you will get another color! 

That's what I did. :) 

We also have many new items, and here is just one of them:

Yay the Jamaaliday Music is out in stores! :D I was kinda getting tired of Winter's Dance.

Well, that's all for today! Just remember, today's FRIDAY!

See you in Jamaa!
Contact me here with any questions or comments: mldriver.jamaa@gmail.com


  1. Thanks for the cheat. Now I can match outfits. I can't say I have been getting tired of Winter's Dance, but variations are always nice.

  2. that song has been out a while now NO NEW ITEM?!

  3. YAY! You are so, so, so, so, cool!!!! I was wondering if you were Slidoo... (I'm a noob.) I looked it up and it only has one achievement and the animal has nothing on.
