Candy Cane Cloaks and CrocoDiamond Challenge

Good day, Communiteers!

I'm here to fill in for missing authors and whatnot, don't worry.

Today's Jamaaliday gift is one that many Jammers would rather wear on their feet than on their paws, candy cane socks!
But once the season's over I'm sure they'd make great sock puppets. Here's another trick to getting a different colored gift everyday. You can just exit the advent calendar. And instead of refreshing your page and logging in again, you can just go to a new room, like Coral Canyons, or a shop, or even your den, and end up with the same gift in a different color.

AJHQ has released quite the items lately, In the Diamond Shop we have the mysterious cloak. I wonder what Greely would think of it,
He probably would never wear it. He's such a talented sorcerer (magician?) that he simply blends in with the darkness and shadows. Plus he can poof himself to anywhere in Jamaa.

Then in Jam Mart Furniture we have paw candy and reindeer poop.
Yea, please don't mix the two together.

And finally in Jam Mart Clothing, necklaces...for all Jammers! You can get one in either jingle bells or pine cone.
At first I thought the pine cone necklace was a wristband and the jingle bell necklace was a spiked collar. Good thing for labels.

The Animal Jam homepage had a makeover! Now it's Jamaaliday themed.
I think it's nice that AJHQ includes the lesser known animals and Alphas into things like these. Even the Daily Explorer button was revised.
Speaking of, Cosmo's hosting a diamond challenge.
Just go to Brady's Lab, watch one of his videos, and comment on Cosmo's post one fact you learned. All entries are due at the end of today. He's well known for his work with crocodiles.

Have fun, be safe, and game on!


  1. cool! those socks.. must have..


    What do you think about this blog? It great!

    1. Yup. I think the cats on the header and hers are pretty cute. :3

  3. Hi Ronen - Great post today, however please do not use the page separators as they do not function properly with our template.

  4. I think I know where they were going with the Paw Candy and Reindeer Poop....

  5. Nice post!

    I didn't know Ronen is still a blog author on here.. I enjoyed reading the post though. c:
