Salon Shelf, Zios,and a Tiny Giveaway

Hi! Welcome to another post!

In Jam-Mart Furniture, we have another addition to the Salon Set. 

How many items do we have left? I think we are missing a mirror. And I don't think that AJHQ will release clothing items for the Salon Set. The Ice-Cream shop didn't release any, but the Egypt Set did. 

And also, why did AJ remove the shop where the portals were? They used to be in that small window outside of  Brady Barr's lab. 

Now they are here:

And also, a question about Animal Jam history, who built the Temple of Zios, and who built the statue of Zios? 

The name, Temple of Zios, is kinda odd. Nobody really pays attention to it, but it's temple what got me. Why did someone, or something, build it? Was it in honor for Zios? What about an Alpha meeting place? All I know is that it's a great place to hang out. 

Last but not least, I will be hosting a tiny giveaway today. Whoever can comment the most on this post, (no spam, actually commenting like: hmm I have never thought of that! but I have a different theory). This giveaway includes:

Yes, I know it's not much, but they are pretty cool items to have. So remember! NO SPAMMING AND COMPLETE SENTENCES! This will end Saturday! 

Alright, that's it for today Jammers! See you in Jamaa!
Contact me at:


  1. Do you mind maybe giving away NON MEMBER items for a change?!

    1. Well, I am not for sure if you visited the blog then, but I hosted another giveaway with a non-member item. And I do, offer to buy any non-member clothing or furniture item for them...

    2. I'm sure MIdriver will make a non-member giveaway soon. Calm down, haha ;) it certainly isn't worth becoming angry over.

  2. I never hav even seen anything about brady barrs lab In a LONG LONG time

  3. sorry I hav NOT seen anything about Brady Barr's lab in a LONG, LONG time. ^.^
    I didn't type it right.

    1. Yeah, it's a forgotten place.. in fact, all of Zios is!

  4. or at least, the first time I didn't type it right, and sorry, I don't know what "spamming" is.

  5. The salon shelf be a good addition to the salon set obviously, and there isn't really a clothing item you can do... Maybe some type of wig? And I kind of like that they moved the portals because the portals lead to another den, but you don't know who's den it leads into... Do you get what I mean? So it's a mystery, for the mystery emporium.

    1. ~warriorcat20049

    2. Wigs could be available. I mean, it isn't really 'good' to have wigs for ANIMALS, but oh well. It's an idea that I'm sure AJHQ has long been considering.
      And yeah, the mystery emporium was the ideal place for portals. I absolutely agree.

  6. Ok now for the zios part. I didn't really ever think about the temple of zios, but this is what I think now that I'm asked to think about it XD. The zios statue was up high and displayed and the chamber of knowledge was still there. The brady Barr laboratory was originally where Mira lives. ~ warriorcat20049

  7. One day the phantoms heard of the home of zios and mira, and they plotted to attack. The phantoms first invaded at night, causing the zios statue to fall and crumble, making a pit glowing with phantom magic. When mira woke up to find the statue destroyed, she immediately told zios. ~warriorcat20049

  8. Zios was shocked and told Mira to hide all day. When night called again the phantoms came and destroyed zios himself, and when Mira came out and found zios was gone, she couldn't stop crying. However, Mira's tears were magical. As six tears fell, six animals were born. A panda, a bunny, a monkey, a koala, a tiger, and a wolf. Eventually they multiplied. More later, gtg. ~ warriorcat20049

    1. I love your story. =) I've heard many Jamaasian folk tales throughout my time spent on AJ. I love the different variations/versions of the original 'Mira's tears created Phantoms' story. My favorite of all time is snowyclaw's version!

    2. Thx 2fangwolf! So anyways, Mira saw the first six animals she created and thought that because they were so powerful, they should protect the other animals. She went searching for new land when finally she found 7 new lands and she named them kimbara, sarepia, jamaa township, coral canyons, mt.shiveer, appondale, and crystal sands. The animals read out and

    3. *spread -and Mira sat high above in the heavens watching over them. She now intrusted the phantoms to the first six animals that she now calls shamans. After a while, Mira was forgotten but when they stumbled on her house they didn't recognize it and they turned it into a laboratory. Eventually, they remembered mira and gave her a statue, while they named zios and Mira's old home the lost temple of zios, because zios has been lost from Mira, but one day, might come back. The end! ~warriorcat20049

  9. Just watch there be about 40 comments on this post by the end of the week XD. Great post today Mldriver! I actually liked the portal shop, I wonder why they shut it down... I like the idea of putting mysteries into posts, good on you Mldriver!

    1. Wait are you the person also part of this blog? and also AGREED...

    2. @Arcticstar I know right! There are 32 comments (not including mine). And I too, like putting mysteries into posts!

      @Blanjam Yes! She posts on the AJC with me. You should check her out! Her days of posting are, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    3. Oh ok thx Mldriver!

    4. For arcticstar - It is your shift/posting time today! and Now there are like 74 comments!!!!!!!!

  10. I don't really like the salon sets

    1. some people do though but you are like me we both dont like them

  11. I know right why did they actually leave the tiny shop. It was a perfectly good shop where all portals are. the shop was kind of hidden but not really. now the wood portals and stone portals are separated. wood- jam mart furniture stone- chamber of knowledge. and also the nm one is in the diamond shop. so ya.

  12. For the ice cream shop thing , AJHQ should have maybe given waiter costumes and chef costumes and for salon items they could put worker uniforms and etc. I think animal jam should make a lot more new clothing for non members also.

  13. Well i dont know why it is a 'temple'. It is maybe to pray there just like in some religions (not being offensive). I think that maybe Liza built the Zios statue to remember and honor him. And ya they also have a Mira statue in Jamaa township. Did anyone realize on top of temple of trivia there is an elephant statue?

  14. Oh and by the way, i don't care if the 'giveaway' things are member or not. Because in January im getting a new membership. Btw Mldriver, im aka samnuhi1 but i dont use that anymore so...... As i said before i am still your fan..

  15. And also as warriorcat, i also do not know what spamming means and is.

  16. By the way (again!!) you are taking your time and looking all around animal jam for new items and posting them on this blog!!!!! U are very thoughful, and kind to everyone!!! Keep up the good work! I hope other people appreciate you as much as i do. Does Pumaa post anymore?

  17. Mldriver, do you use snipping tool? Because i sometimes do and your images appear great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Like, my ones are kind of blurry. And plus that's the only way i can take snapshots. the print screen doesn't work for me anymore.

  18. Im sorry for all my cheesy comments i just really want to win. It is basically a sign of an autograph since it is from you. Do you have a youtube channel?

  19. On an un-related note - i LOVE your awesome outfit. Im not just trying to be nice but i really MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I THINK YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Why are there huge spaces??!?!?!?!?

  20. The vanity in kimbara outback - u know when you change the color there is a salon item? Well all of the items for each color you change are in the salon shelf.

  21. My cousin mrcoolio38920 has told me great things about you mldriver and pumaa and slidoo before i joined proboards. He also helped me pick out the spams and the nots. He told me what a spam is. Will you still cut out the spams but if the person also has nots (not spams) Will you still give them the prize? ( u no, if they have the most)

    1. Ik this is a spam but btw hes at my house right now XD

  22. I have a joke. It is kind of french. There were 4 cats. 3 were racing. one wasnt. while the 3 cats where racing, one fell in a shallow river. the one who wasn't racing said '' un deux trois quatre cinq! (i pronounce quatre , kat ) ( and cing is pronounced sank) and these are french numbers that are 1-5. (so it says 1 2 3 cat sank!)


    1. ... Why is there huge spaces again?!?!?!!!?!?!?? is it because i used to much caps lock?

  24. Oh mldriver you do have a channel! I checked your awesome vids :D

    1. Thanks! I rarely update though. I hope to get some things so I can do it more!

  25. shouldn't i be one of the top commenters i mean like ya!

    1. Anonymous commenters don't appear on the top commenters. Sorry!

    2. Oh well i do not usually go anonymous i usually use my animal jam user. sometimes i do anonymous though.

    3. Oh you mean i have to have a gmail oh well my parents wont let me

  26. I would love to be on the Animal Jam Community's Tiny Giveaway!

  27. I hope someone will win the Contest....

  28. Did you know I discovered, this blog before this blog, was Jammer Central from Pumaa.

  29. Uhmmm... No ones here, what should I do? No fun alone... -_-

  30. I know Im the only on AJC right now I think.

  31. My AJ user is Makou by the way (But Mldriver knows that)

  32. Replies
    1. I think you are spamming..

    2. Ya you are spamming and cheating you cant just put a few words in each comment and finish a sentence in like 2 comments. pacifically i would love to be on animal jam tiny giveaway it will be awesome i think thing.

    3. Your making a lot of un-necessary comments. Sorry if i spelled necessary wrong.

  33. Just a random thing about the salon shelf I noticed. If you look at the top right pink bottle, it looks like this face :3 or a face with a mustache! I was thinking, did AJHQ do that on purpose, or did it just happen to look like that? Either way it's pretty cool.

    1. Woah thx for that! I never noticed! Wow you have a good eye :D Nice Job

  34. I think AJ made a huge mistake by removing the portal shop from Zios. I mean, how forgotten can that place get? The only time it's crowded is in SUPER popular servers (like Aldan) and if the forest is full, people use it for Warrior Cats roleplaying. It's pathetic that for the short amount of time that store was in existence, Zios was actually POPULAR and ENJOYED. And then here come AJHQ removing it all! *sigh* Tisk, tisk, AJ.

    1. Ikr like ya it was probably some mistake. Its like it was the forgotten desert! except now its forgotten Zios!!! Yet Mira is very remembered.

  35. Omg arctic star was right there would be like 40 people but there is 58!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Hey I don't really get the tiny giveaway thing because

  37. Comments or comments about the pictures?

    1. you are spamming and not following the rules it says each sentence has to be in one comment alone not a bunch.

  38. I think Zios actually built the temple of Zios long before he was vanished. And that time maybe it wasn't a temple. Or for Zios at all! Maybe it was for Mira. I think he had a crush on her. lol. He thought she was pretty. LAWL! XD

  39. Cool contest! I'm sorry, I am not being able to enter as I have to go real quick. Good luck to everyone who's joining! Oh and that's not a tiny contest, it's really nice that you are doing one. ^.< Anyways, bye! c:

  40. Omg! Only a day left until the deadline! I hope I really win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be like my second dream come true! On my opinion the wallpaper to me is beta. And I am turning member soon! In January. Oh and all the comments that say Blanjam - the account is Blanjam

  41. Blan the jam. - Blanjam :P

  42. That's a cool idea for a mini contest :)
