Happy Thanksgiving & Fruit Bowl

First off, Happy Thanksgiving US Residents! Be safe if you are traveling! What are you Thankful for?

Hey Jammers!
Super sorry for the late post. I will need to get a new alarm clock! 

Well, thinking that Animal Jam would actually do something nice for the Feast of Thanks, I was wrong. 

A Fruit Bowl.....I thought they would release a cool new Thanksgiving item! Not the Fruit Bowl! Animal Jam usually always does this, on special holidays. This really let me down!

On the Daily Explorer, they posted some Jammer Snaps!

Personally, I like all foods, as long as it's not cottage cheese & coleslaw. Really cool! I will someday conquer Animal Jam to get my camera badge....

Moving on, in Brady's Theater, videos get released everyday! Make sure to check daily. 

 Wild... HAMSTERS?! Hmm, I never thought of them being in the wild. I think that would be awesome to have wild hamsters running around in my backyard. Do you have/had any hamsters? 

Well, that's it for my post today folks!
See you in Jamaa! (probably not today, because I will be stuffing my face with food).
Contact me at: mldriver.jamaa@gmail.com


  1. Great post today Mldriver!

    I am personally thankful for my family and my home and especially my bedroom (where I can escape from chaos and noise)

    I have never had a hamster before. I spent a good five minutes laughing about Wild Hamsters- it just seemed funny to me!

  2. even though i live in canada, a guy in my class went to the states to celebrate US thanksgiving and went shopping in black firday
