Salon Products

Greetings! It is Friday, thank goodness- finally the end of the week!

We have a new item today, sold in Jam Mart Furniture. What is this item? Introducing the Salon Products sold for 350 gems! Perfect for those who want a fantabulous salon, you can get this item today!

And now for the factual part of the post:

The word of the day is:

Ostentatious: designed to impress or attract notice; snobby/uppity 

Nice word! Does anyone know what an ostentatious nom de plume is?

Our fact of the day:

Electric eels are able to create enough energy to light up 10 light bulbs!

Cool stuff! Can you imagine how shocking it would be to step on one of these guys?

Good Smarts!

If you have something to say, you can contact me at

1 comment:

  1. I have a word preference vigorously: to do something with action .for example the bear pawed the seal head vigorously.
