Rare Item Monday!


Today is Monday- and that means a new Rare Item has been introduced, and is only to be sold for today. So let's see what AJ has in store for us today, shall we?

Introducing...... The Rare Spooky Top Hat! Sold in Jam Mart clothing for 975 gems, make sure you buy this today as it will never come back! I really think this is a nice item, despite the price. However, I'm not much of a top hat person. Anywho, all those who love top hats, this is your calling!

I have created another outfit for you this week! And here it is:

This is actually a very simple outfit! Here is what it is comprised of:
  • Black as color 1
  • Purple as color 2
  • Rare Spooky Top Hat
  • Tuxedo Jacket

I hope you liked it!

And now it's time for: The factual section of the post!

Our word of the day:

Overmorrow- the day after tomorrow

That was a word? Where have I been all my life?!

Finally, our fact of the day:

If you shout for 8 years, 7 months, and 6 days without stopping to breathe or anything (if it were possible) you will have created enough energy to warm a single cup of coffee.

Well that's a strange fact... I suppose knowledge never hurts, even if it is rather useless information. Someday it may come in handy!

Adventure Awaits!

Something to say? Go ahead! You can contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com


  1. Sweetpanda56789 Not Signed InOctober 27, 2014 at 7:26 AM

    Nice outfit! Thanks for the word, I always wanted to know an actual word for that meaning. XD
    The fact is quite strange, I agree! I really enjoyed it though! I like top hats! >.<
    So, I also like today's rare... :) Got four of them! :P

    1. Thanks! I too, have wondered time and time again what the word really was.

  2. Woah, cool rare! I used to collect top hats. :P

    1. I used to as well, but I stopped. I really find no need for rares anymore X3

  3. That outfit is pretty spooky.... and CUUUUTE!!!

    Wait a second.... overmorrow isn't in my dictionary.... All I heard was "the day after tomorrow". No one knows how to make a good synonym for "future".

    THAT much energy? I need to try it! *yells only for 30 seconds and gasps for breath*

    Ok never mind, it's impossible...


    1. I actually like the outfit X3

      The online dictionary (dictionary.com) I believe has the definition of overmorrow.

      I strongly suggest not to try the fact of the day at home XD

  4. WOW im going to try *yells "for 8 years, 7 months, and 6 days!!!!"* hmm dose not work.
