Rare Item Monday!


As you know, today is Rare Item Monday, that wonderful time of the week when AJHQ releases a new (and expensive) item. Let's take a look shall we?

And today's rare is.......................................................................... Rare Cupid Wings! Wait, what? Isn't that supposed to be a Valentines Day item? Well that's random. I like the colour though. Get these lovely purple wings (which kinda look like balloons) today for 975 gems (wow, that's expensive).

Sold in Jam Mart Clothing

And now I shall make an outfit with the new rare! Hmm.... I wonder what I can do with this one...

And here is what I have come up with! This outfit is comprised of:

  • Rare Cupid Wings
  • Rare Witch hat (but regular witch hats work fine!)
  • Spirit Amulet

Next! Our fact of the day:

Dolphins have bigger brains than humans.

This one I knew before today. Wait a minute... Wasn't yesterday's fact about brains too? Coincidences...

Adventure Awaits!

Something to say? You can reach me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com


  1. Great outfit!
    Never knew they have a bigger than us! o.o

    Btw a note: I see the top commentors gadget, and my comments keep on decreasing everyday. I had above like 1000 comments and now they are like 850..

  2. umm if u have an extra could u maybe gift it...? im not rare.... my user is arrowclaw4355... thank u
