Ghost Balloon, Daily Explorer and Item Spotlight #6

Hi Jammers, Mldriver here. 
I eventually got my account back, yay! 

The Halloween item for today is:

Daww, first we have the Bat Balloon, and then this? AJ likes to release a lot of cute items. And they are new, not returning. I wonder if they will release non-member balloons. 

The Daily Explorer posted a few things:

I wonder what it's like to go diving. My dad did it and got sick. It would be kinda scary though, surrounded by a dark blue, fish, and sharks. 

Last, but not least, we have Item Spotlight!

The Ice Mira Statue. It's about this size in den. I feel like Item Spotlight is, adding a picture and talking about how rare it is. I will have to think up something to go with it. It's won in the Eagle Adventure.

Also...I have some sad news. 

R.I.P. Horse Coin

The Horse Coin has been taken away from all Jammers. What do you think happened? 

That's it for today Jammers, See you in Jamaa!
Contact me at: mldriver,


  1. First! Sad the horse cion is gone and I overtraded my mira lol!

    1. I wish I could explore all the updates but my accounted is glitched and it wont lemme log in so If u need me contact Doomhall1
      It may say im online but thats just a glitch!

    2. Many jammers got the horse coin for like 4 founders. It was such a loss for them... Well, the same thing also happens to me for your second comment! Ik, it sometimes glitches a lot and you can't do anything about it. :3 Hope it is fixed soon! ^.^

  2. Ikr! AJ are bringing out a lot of cute items these days.. I love them! XP
    The ghost balloon is just so incredibly cute!!! <3

  3. I bet the Horse Coin was taken away because it wasn't ready yet. I have a feeling they're going to do a lot more with those coins later on. It might have something to do with a later adventure?

  4. OMG I really want one of those ghost balloons. Please jamagram me if you have one! My username is Napstablook7
