TBA Adventure

Hey Jammers! Mldriver here with a second post for today.

So, when Animal Jam updated today, it brought along a new adventure caled TBA. 

Here is what it looked like when you started the adventure:

So you basically start as a pet that you have. 

And then Liza starts talking to you...very oddly.

As you walk around, there is this weird garden like thing:

When you step on it, a tree rises.

As you can see, this is obviously a sketch. The laterns still need to be fully colored in, the tree looks kinda odd and so do the paws. 

And if you click on a random "!" floating around, it will take you to a different area.

There is also something called Cheat. A message pops up saying, "Enable Cheat?"

After clicking this, another message pops up, but from ??? (Liza):

After clicking the OK button, you get to open a chest.

And the prizes can vary to being in stores to being super rare. A lot of Jammers say that you mostly get den betas. It's really weird. Actually, this whole thing is weird!

There are other areas on the map including:


Phantom Forest

Pumpkin Patch

Some people say that someone hacked into AJHQ and released the adventure. I am 99.9% sure that is false. I just think an Animal Jam worker accidentally released it. What do you think? Did someone hack into AJHQ? Did an AJHQ worker slip up? Let me know!

Link to the Jamaa Journal Vol. 127 here.
Contact me at: mldriver.jamaa@gmail.com

p.s. the pictures that are in this post are in a video here is the link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUnoUs6Y-_k


  1. I kind of liked that Jammers were able to experience something like this. We never get to see any behind-the-screen action from AJHQ, and to know this a process of what makes an adventure is kind of satisfying.

    1. Yes I agree. I thought the drawing process was interesting.


    3. I love this adventure but now it is gone uti think and my mom thinks like fman or someone like that hacked in it.

    4. I love these types of things, they're like short films, but animal jam adventures. Also, i was lucky because i got a rare claw machine out of this little adventure.

  2. WOW what adventure do u enter is it safe?

  3. wow, i agree with u , its maybe an future adventure more anyone got into ajhq and released it , alot of ppl keep saying "Fman made TBA dont play it!!!! or u will be hacked!!" i dont think fman made it :P

    1. ya I don't think fman could do that and if he did why did we get beats from it?


  4. Umm... If it is an unfinished Adventure by AJHQ then why does Liza talk to you oddly? If she talks the same way as AJHQ would put in, then I would trust that this is made from AJHQ and not just a random person trying to hack into or something. That's one thing I am not sure about this. A kid would put something like that s a saying for a character for sure. XD


    1. No its just a voice test to make sure she the GUI will pop up!

    2. They put it there so they have an idea of what she's going to say, then they add the real dialogue after.

  5. i like the part where liza goes "ok times uo ill say this and disapaer you can go now" haha cracks me up!

  6. oh annnnd i wish i could do it but no my mom HAD to take the cimputer for the morning but rlly i would freak if i did this alone beacause it looks so creepy!
    lol but true i wanna be my shuger glider and i have been dreaming of the day that u can be your pet in an adventure aj if ur lisening reslese this soon!

  7. I heard it gives u good stuff cant wait for the pet adventure and the rare items. I think its going to be out soon sorry I missed it but I made a vid about it on voxelpunch youtube.

  8. this is soposed to be in 2 weeks (october 1st) adventure then AJ realesed it my accedent..

  9. I got a trafic cone and wood floor and many more betas though it was rlly creepy
    i mean?? AJHQ wouldn't say enable cheat
    AJHQ wouldn't say stuff like that
    AJHQ doesn't do that kids of adventures cuz i finished the map and it look like a phantom
    Honestly i think a random bro hacked aj and gave beta items from there system and gave them to random players who do it
    ps Liza wouldn't say " this is what i say when you still have time on the clock"
    it was rather i really nice person who did it or oppisite.
    in jamaa somebody said that " Earsandpears did it and i think that is true cuz she did hack and scam me alot!

    ~ JadeSauce

    1. well why would you be giving out free betas?


    2. Its a test guys it wasnt ment to be realiseed there still testing stuff cheatmode dosent do anything...

    3. ps Liza wouldn't say " this is what i say when you still have time on the clock"

      I could see programmers putting "placeholder" text like this in while they are working on the level and then replacing it with the real text when it is ready. I think AJ accidentally released a level that wasn't ready yet and then took it down fast. Nothing mysterious about it.

  10. i got headdress out of it

    1. waaaaattttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. totally not true you only get den items ):)

    3. if you really DID get a headdress, then you are a liar because nobody can get clothing items from that, and why hide under the name anonymous?

  11. and liza would not say that like go do stuff till the time it up and I also got pink forest walls from it my 3rd pink wall and my user is hockeylover3190!

  12. so yeah you all think this is very creepy but i can tell u who made it..................IT WAS ME!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!!! ITS SO EASY TO HACK INTO AJHQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DIDNT EVEN GET CAUGHT!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hoped u enjoyed it :DDDDDDDD MONKEY GLITCH 4EVA!!!!!!

    1. name is oliviaisbest123 btw MONKEY GLITCHER!!!!!!!!

    2. lol only said monkey cause there a monkey lol

    3. You see kids, this is a liar in it's natural habitat. Don't go too close, or it may bite.

    4. just kitten dude what the mess?-oliviaisbest123

  13. It was most likely a slip. Nafaria9 posted about this.

  14. monkey glitcher r u earsandpears if so told ya if not ur a liar

    ~ Jadesauce

  15. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO MAD RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW WHEN THE COMPLETED ADVENTURE COMES OUT THERE ARE GONNA BE NO RARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:U ;(

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. yeah my mom says that it might be child abusers. they could of totally said a bad word

  18. Yea, i think this was an accident or hacked. Anyway i actually liked the adventure! IT WAS LEGIT (to my opinion X3)

  19. Teh thing is... I was at school while dis happened... I dont reallly care do.. I think an aj worker accidentally released the unfinished adventure...

    jam-a-gram my account yilmex your offer for my short orange collar...

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. stop hurting voxel punch and jadesauce there both nice smart and awesome!

  22. i dont wanna see cyberbullying on this blog :(

    1. Me neither! This is were some kids go for animal jam info.

  23. I think that tba is just the unfinished version of bitter sweets......(the newest adventure for pets)

  24. Wow..is this still up?

  25. I was really scared when I searched up this adventure because I was bored looking through stuff and info so pretty much I typed in adventures, I saw TBA, I was like what! I was looking through stuff for more info and it said someone hacked into animal jam to make the adventure TBA! Also it has two floating bubbles and one takes you to a empty room another says enable cheat so I saw someone pressed yes and I was like what is going to happen ahh scary scary, It said times up! I shall say his and disappear!

  26. umm that is a mixture between the forgotten desert and bitter sweets. anyway in the real one liza does not say that. but yeah. looks fun. anyway i think the liza thing was a prank for other ajhq workers to make them laugh.

  27. It means testing beta adventure
