Rare Seaweed Boa!

Hello Jammers! I hope you are ready for yet another rare item monday! Let's get posting!

As you already know, today is that wonderful time of the week in which AJHQ changes some item, dubs it rare, and sells it for extremely high prices. Yes Jammers, it's rare item monday! So let's see what we have today!

Aha, another underwater rare! I tend not to buy these because I spend most of my time on land. But hey, whatever floats your boat! If you are a fan of cream-ish coloured seaweed neck adornments, this is the perfect item for you- buy it for 900 gems in Bahari Bargains! Hmm, I wonder how many rares have been released... It would be cool to know! I wonder what was the first rare! 

Next! It seems that you enjoy the fact of the day thing, so I will continue them! Alright here we go:

Cows from different places in the world have different "moo" accents.

Haha, I find this one rather amusing! Can you believe that cows have accents just like people do? Wow! The things you learn! If you didn't know this fact until now, congratulations! You just got a little bit smarter! 

Adventure Awaits!

Anything to tell/ask me? Sure! I will be happy to reply to you, and maybe feature it on one of my posts! Contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com


  1. The first Rare Item Monday was a glove, but also it was the first ''rare'' It was removed from stores and became mega rare until it was released again.

    1. Yeah. People were whining. I was cheering. XDD.

      Fox Hats also returned and people almost scammed others with it.

    2. Oh cool! Thanks, I was wanting to know what the first rare was :D

      I was also cheering wit the return of the gloves! Wasn't it originally not rare, and then AJ added a rare tag, and then released it as a rare the following week? Correct me if I'm wrong ^.^

    3. I had a fox hat before it returned. It was very rare at that time and also popular! Many people tried to scam me. D:
      I had got it by very very very hard work!

    4. Gloves, well, my first one was the rare so I don't know.

  2. no the first rare item was b4 the glove it was rare jolly elf hat

    1. Really? Cool! I will check out the old Daily Explorer later, I believe they have it there :D

    2. no, that was the first one posted on DE but I remember when AJ began the RIM thing.THE SECOND RIM was the Rare Tie, I beleive

    3. DE posted it a little late.

      Yep, second is (Rare) Yellow Tie.

  3. another thing IM GETING A SIBERIAN CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bc cats are easy i cant get a dog and its Siberian cuz Siberians are hypoallergenic and my dads alergic too bad i cant get a white 1 but hey siberians are fluffy and cute

    1. You are SO lucky XD I want a dog or a cat (preferably a dog) but I can't because I am allergic, and my parents hate all the cleaning and work that goes into caring for a pet.

    2. Wow! They are pretty cute, indeed. I want one. >.<
      I think they love the snow, anyway. XD

  4. Moo.

    Pink would love it.

    Yes, I think it was the Glove, but I think it's the Yellow Tie. Still, gloves were worth 1000 gems when they were first released as rares.

    Elf Hats came rather more... late... than the glove.

    1. Moo!

      I wonder what is correct O.o

    2. I don't know anything at all!
      Time to find out. :Detective face:
      Lol. XD
      Today's rare is quite amazing! XD

    3. I think it was the glove, recalling what happened.

      Wait. I think it was 1200 gems... or was 1200 only for Fox Hats?

  5. Wait. Arctic, typo on the title? "Boa" not "Bow"? Sorry if I'm wrong.

    What happened to your old signature? I missed it.

    1. Thanks! I changed the title to the correct spelling!

      You liked the old signature? I might consider using it again... We'll just have to see!

    2. I like both the signatures. It's 'boa' in the correct form. I guess it was a typing mistake or maybe a reading mistake. >.<

    3. Welcome!

      Yes! The crocodile!

  6. Cows have different moo accents? LOL, that's really funny.

    1. Like most animals do. Cats can make up to 1000 different type of meows!

    2. Now cows cant moo cats do
      That was horrible!

  7. Ha it's kind of funny when no one comments and it like " no comment..."


    1. It seems funny when you think about it XD It gets me worried though- I start feeling bad, and then I think that no one likes my posts, and then I think that I am a terrible author, and it keeps going on XD

  8. I am trying to make a apocolyptic den theme for my den anyone got ideas?

    1. Hmm... Let's see... Lots of phantoms, the meteor crash thing from epic wonders, a volcano den, and some scary music should do the trick!

    2. That's quite a good idea, Arcticstar! ;)
      You can also use the lava archways! C:
      Arcticstar already said most which I wanted. Lol.
      There's one dangerous area in my den, you can have a look. Usually unlocked, if not jag me. :)
      Well it's the area down the lawn, the lavaish place.
      I made it the graveyard of the PHANTOM KING. XD
      There's a tombstone too. Lol.

    3. Don't put music.

      Are you able to make it music-less? That would be like the best one.

  9. I have this aready and I traded one for a dragon skull!

  10. Lol this is soo cool just dont get all tangled up -_- Ive made that mistake before!
