Rare Cone Collar and RIM Outfits

Hello Jammers! Today is Monday- has it really been a whole week? Wow. Anywho, since it's Monday, a new rare has been released and is sold in a very interesting place...

Today's rare is the rare cone collar- sold in the medical shop for 950 gems. What?! 950?! That's a lot! The colors though, are not bad. Purple and black are typically used together during Halloween, most commonly with witches!

Mldriver has suggested that I try making an outfit for every rare item Monday! I am not the best at making outfits- den designing is more my thing, but I will nonetheless try my best!

And here is what I've come up with! My apologies, as it is not a very good outfit. To make this outfit I used: The darkest gray for the main body, light red for the ears, the grey-purple for the eyes, scary bat wings, rare tiara, and today's rare cone collar! Sorry again, it is a very bad outfit!

And now it is time for our Fact of the Day!

The cheetah is the big cat that is unable to roar.

Wow, that's new! I thought cheetahs could roar up until now!

Adventure Awaits!

Anything to say? You can reach me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com


  1. First This is funny lol i never would have guest!

    1. Lol. I love the item and it's color combination! :D

    2. YA there cool! Ahh The other choices they could of had! But of coarse they had to make it black and purple!

    3. Black and purple its soo cool!

  2. Cool look! Did you ever win a News Crews Assignment? It shows a camera badge. :P

    1. Thanks! And yes indeed! I am part of the news crew. This was my entry:


  3. What?!?! A cheetah can't roar? o.o
    Never knew that! XD

  4. Oohhh, I like how you guys changed the top pages. Was Pumaa or TheSlidoo?

    1. IDK i like it to though I menchend it in a differ post!

    2. That was TheSlidoo's work. :)

    3. The slidoo hasnt been posting for a lil is he ok?

  5. I like the cone collar and my sister said its cool too ^.^ I wish i had enough gems!! Haha
