Post Celebration, Candle Hat, and Funny AJ things!

Hello again Jammers! This is Arcticstar coming at you today with a new post! Let's get going!

Let us celebrate! Yesterday we reached 600 posts, as some of us noticed! 600? Wow, that's a lot!
Today in the land of Jamaa we have a new item! Can you guess what it is?

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candle hat? Yes Jammers, today we have a candle hat! Be sure not to let the wax melt all over you when you wear it! Could this be a reference to birthday candles for the AJ birthday party?

Next! This just made my day! I went onto Animal Jam and this guy was advertising something hilarious!

The things people say! At least they weren't scamming! Tell me in the comments what funny things have happened to you!

Finally, our fact of the day!

A bear can run as fast as an average horse!

Oh wow! Remember when I gave you the ostrich fact? Bear and Ostrich races would be so cool XD

See you later!

Adventure Awaits!

Anything to say? Contact me at 


  1. A CANDLE HAT?! Better not set someone's fur on fire...
    ~feming (aka fem)

    1. Haha! I hope to blow the fire away. XD

    2. I said Fire to the hat.

      Happy birthday! Blow the candle out.

    3. Ahh dady theres a fire on my head!!!

  2. Its great that this blog is doing up-to-date posting again!

  3. But... But... What if I want to hear, er see, you 'moo annoyingly'. Because I think that'll be very funny! X3

    My science teacher strongly dislikes ostriches. XD

    1. Because he used to work with ostriches at this zoo. And they were being very awkward. XD

    2. Lol. I don't find MOO annoying. That certainly is fun! OH WHAT IT'S THUNDERING. A HUGE THUNDER JUST CLASHED AND MY HEART IS BEATING.
      :Is frozen with fear:

  4. If one of you authors want to figure out a list of all working codes, I'll put it on the codes page. I haven't been playing AJ in a while so I have no idea which ones work anymore.

    1. Well, you can comment them whenever your ready. :P thanks

    2. Yay, codes! I heard some new codes have been released, lately. Some are like: TWELVE and AJBDAY4.

  5. Are you going to have a party for 600 posts? I dunno I just feel like a party!


    1. Great idea! Someone should plan that... Hmm..

    2. Actually that 600 number includes drafts. We currently have only 585 published posts. As for a party, I think we should wait for 1,500,000 or 2,000,000 views.

    3. @Warriorcat
      Great idea! I've been waiting for a partaaay ever since. XD

      I can't wait any longer. DX
