Egyptian Pillow and Happy Thoughts

Hello everyone! Today's post is extra early as I am expected to be at school by 7:20 AM because today we have a field trip outside of the city! Let's get going shall we?

Today I felt extra artsy, and watercolourified today's item picture (only for today)

Nice item! No I did not paint this (I wish I could XD) I used an app called waterlogue. Anywho back to the item! I like pillows, but this is kinda not my style X3 It's definitely great that it's non member though! Be sure to get this item if you like it- it's sold for 350 gems in Jam Mart Furniture!

Today I want all of you to be happy (actually why not every day?) In the comments, I would like you to talk about something that makes you happy- that means 3 or more sentences explaining! Comment away!

Adventure Awaits!

You can contact me at if you have anything ranging from codes and glitches to questions and Jammer sundaes! Happy Jamming!


  1. Haha, I have a phone that can do that too!

    In school, we played a game called "I'm Happy".

    You play it with a few other friends. Start by saying "I'm happy because... (reason 1)."

    Next person says, "I'm happy because (reason 1) and (reason 2)."

    It goes on.

    1. Cool. That game gets you to know what made your friends happy. I'll try playing it with my friends. :D

      I'm happy when I'm successful after I've done hard work. I don't really feel very happy after I finish some easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy work.

    2. That's sounds like a fun game, Rainbow!

    3. Cool! Sounds like a great game! I might try it sometime!

    4. My teacher introduced it to us. It teaches us to be happily thankful for what we have.

  2. Lol. I first thought the item glitched. XD

    Anyway here's my story:

    I'm usually happy from inside, but I can't express it. :3
    I'm always in a like sad facey type.
    Anyway, I'm happy when I meet animals, and when they response to me. When cats purr, I really feel happy. Sometimes my cats give me warm wishes by sitting on my lap and purring. I really feel proud of myself and of course HAPPEH!

    I'm also happy when I get good grades. My parents give me so much respect and obviously friends too. It's a great honor! ^.^ I'm also happy when my close friends and specially my sister gets good grades. :P

    1. "Don't worry, be happy" X3 great song- you should listen to it! Anywho, I love spending time with animals- it's a great way to feel good (only problem is I have severe allergies D:) getting good grades also makes me happy!

    2. On Top of the World is also a great song, with the same theme - being happy!

  3. Lol that pic made me feel like I wanna paint and draw. at first though I thought It was actually the item.

    1. AGH AJ IS OFFLINE!!!!

    2. OMG I HATE it when AJ is offline!

    3. ikr SO Annoying! AND IT WAS NT EVEN AN UPDATE :(((((

    4. Haha yes, I enjoy painting though I am not very good at it :3 I don't like updating AJ either, though it's always good to know they're hard at work fixing glitches and such

    5. Sometimes, I don't even know what they're updating.

  4. What makes me happy is seeing that AJ has released a ton of non-member items lately (:

    1. That also makes me happy. AJHQ has finally listened to all the complaints about the not many nm items. ~wolfiepaws~

    2. Ah yes! It is great that AJ is finally hearing our pleas! That also makes me happy *^^*

  5. What makes me happy? Probably being my friends, my cousin, and my grandparents (not all at the same time.) What also makes me happy is being around people who are funny and are silly. :)

    1. Yes, spending time with those you care deeply about is another way to feel happy! I am a bit of an introvert... (Can you tell?) though I always enjoy a little humor!

  6. Thanks for your awesome-azing comments everyone! Hmm... So many things make me happy- it's hard to choose just one! One thing that makes me extremely happy is making my friends laugh- it makes me feel as though I have a purpose in this world XD


    2. Why thankyou! Awesome-azing is an amazing word is it not? X3

  7. Ooh, great coloring! It makes me happy whenever my grandma is not complaining (lol, I live with her.) Because if she's complaining about my grades then im not very happy but, my kitten always cheers me up! It makes me happy when I get good grades too and it makes me happy when it's a nice day outside and I can ride my bicycle :)

  8. Outside is what makes me happy. Nature is absolutely beautiful, especially spring and fall. So, go outside! *shoves everyone outside* See? Happy!
