Egyptian Hat and The Bunny Claw

Hello! Mldriver here posting today.

Today at Jam- Mart Clothing we have the Egyptian Hat:

I have been waiting for this item to come out! Did you know that actual kings and queens wore these? 

I wish they had the snake on AJ's Egyptian Hat!
I also hope that they will make an item called a Cobra Staff:

Doesn't that look sweet? It may look a little awkward holding a staff while you walk on 4 legs. 

Oh, and I almost forgot about the Bunny Claw!

Hmm. I wish there was another way to get diamonds. It would be awesome if you could get them in adventures!

Next, the Daily Explorer has a new post about the Summer Carnival's sale.

The thing is about the Summer Carnival is that I don't really like the items they sell. Some of them are cool and original, the rest of them are meh. 

 Okay I am going to do a comment call today..

The new Alpha Statues represent the Animals that we have in Jamaa. But, What's their story? Are they different Alphas because they were in the Diamond Shop? Will we see them in future adventures?

Comment Call:
What are the new Alphas' story?

That's it for today Jammers!
 Did anyone else have a really bad storm last night? 

Contact me at:


  1. I just wore that hat for my Egyptian crocodile. It looks a little too big. Hopefully AJHQ would make more Egyptian clothing. I agree. There are some stuff in the Summer Carnival that are not my cup of tea.

    Ooh, a story with new Alphas will be difficult but I'll try and do it!


    1. Chapter 1

      Atlas, the Lion Alpha came to Jamaa. It was quiet, and barely any noise that came around the Temple of Zios. When he was sent by the grey heron, he didn't know he would be in a place that just his style. Atlas listened to the birds chirping, the snakes hissing and the monkeys screeching while he explored the land. It wasn't quiet, it's only noisy with sounds of nature, and Atlas loves it. However, he saw someone waving at him. It was a feline figure, about the same size as Atlas. The lion Alpha walked towards the figure. He saw it clearly that it was a tiger. He looked like a warrior but without any weapons besides his silver claws.
      "You must be the new Shaman", the tiger said. "I'm Sir Gilbert, the tiger Shaman."
      "I'm Atlas", the lion said.
      "Jamaa is a wonderful place, Sir Gilbert continued. "You would love it here!"
      Atlas knew that maybe he and Sir Gilbert can become friends. They talked and talked until Sir Gilbert said:
      "Do you want to join me and the other Shamans to make sure Jamaa is a safe place?"
      "I would love to, it seems like it's a promising idea.", Atlas said.
      "Come along", Sir Gilbert said, putting a paw on Atlas' back and walked towards the small village west from where they were.

      Chapter 2

      Atlas joined the Shaman group for several years and he loved it, he was helping citizens and also fixing problems. Sir Gilbert thought that Atlas was amazing with his talents. Once, Greely went up to Atlas and said:
      "I'm not happy that you're a friend of that other kitty cat."
      "So what?" Atlas said. "We just have things in common!"
      Peck tried to break up the fight:
      "Woah woah WOAH, boys! Just calm down and let's go talk about ourselves."
      Liza went up to the wolf and the lion and said: "I can't believe you wild dogs and big cats don't get along..."
      Atlas laughed as if saying that he didn't want a fight. But Greely just said nothing. Even more years passed, there came new Shamans to join the group. Including Tavie, who was the newest Alpha that was introduced by many citizens. The Shaman group became bigger and bigger with newer animal species. But when there's a beginning, here were always be an end.......

      Part 2 in the making! :D


    2. Chapter 3

      Years later, a terrible event happened. There were Jammers that became greedy for items and mean to others. Atlas saw it all. Only some of the Alphas helped Atlas try to help the poor Jammers getting bullied. But it gets worse and worse and it never happened in Jamaa that things get more bad. Atlas had enough, he and the others went to the secret underground Alpha meeting place in the Chamber of Knowledge, where the rest of the Alphas were. He did not had a nice look.
      "What's the meaning of this?" the lion Alpha growled. "You just abandon on what we do?"
      "Atlas", Graham softly said. "You know that there's no solution on things like this."
      "WHAT?" Atlas snarled. "I'm sure there's a solution to stop the fighting of Jammers!"
      "No, Graham is right", Cosmo said. "Bullying is happening almost everywhere in Jamaa and even if we try to stop it, there will be other problems and the bullying will get stronger and stronger."
      "You know what?" Atlas said. "I quit the group and most of my friends are leaving, are you coming Sir Gilbert?"
      Sir Gilbert said nothing. He stayed by the Alphas and the "not known" ones. He said: "I thought you were my best friend, Atlas."
      "We still are!" Atlas yelled. "We can leave this corrupted place and find a new place just for only us, Shamans!"
      "Our home is Jamaa", Sir Gilbert said. "I'm not leaving this place no matter how dangerous it can be."
      "Fine, me and my other friends will go ourselves!" Atlas spat.
      The dozens of Alphas watched them leave. Days later, the first Phantom entered Jamaa and there came the Phantom Invasion. It's too late. Almost all of the animal species left. The deer, the crocodiles, raccoons and other of these animals hide somewhere in Jamaa, including their Alphas. But the lions, arctic wolves, hyenas and eagles were out of Jamaa to never see Jamaa. Sir Gilbert watched Jamaa falling into corruption. Maybe Atlas was right, there might be hope, if they worked together. "I missed you, Atlas, actually WE missed you. You were right all along, please come back".
      I can't believe my friend left me, Sir Gilbert thought. And that was when his first tear escaped his eyes.

      THE END

      I hope you enjoyed!


    3. Comment Call Response: I actually had a storm last night that occurred twice. But the thunder wasn't loud so the electricity in our house is still safe even during the storm.


    4. Awesome story! And about the storm, two storms came in for me too. We are the only ones in the area with electricity in our home (which is kinda weird, we are usually the ones that go out first).

    5. Wonderful story!

    6. That was a wondeful story. It must have took forever just to type it XD

  2. Stupid glitches on this blog. I hate it so much! And I don't even know why it's happening!!! Anyway, the Egyptian hat is cool. I'm in a drought so no big storm here.

  3. Nice post! FINALLY! Diamond shop shamans!!

    1. So what are shamans are they like the beta alphas?

  4. Oh and btw my username is DewDropReptile not this XD

  5. anyways nice post, I will post my theory on the diamond shop alphas later

  6. A long time ago, In a land far far away from jamaa there lived A spirit stone gaurdian named Diamonde.

    1. He felt lonely gaurding these spirit stones so he set off on a journey to jamaa so he set off on a journey

    2. He walked far, and finnaly got into the border of jamaa. He decided to rest there until he saw the alphas!

    3. As he was SUCH a fan, He went and asked Can you please set theese spirit stones into jamaa and give me an animal form?

    4. The alphas agreed but little did he know he would be seperated into different animals with different parts of his personality

    5. Those alphas went and built a diamond shop for all the jammers. Many people LOVED the diamond animals

    6. And the diamond shop keeps getting updated by some of the diamond alphas.

    7. Under the diamond shop there is a Giant diamond, powering the diamond shop and keeping phantoms away

    8. One day a seal by the name of hudson ( who was actually an otter but he didnt know it) who was being bullied ALL the time for looking different set off to the diamond shop.

    9. He saw mira there. She was checking on the Giant diamond AKA The diamond heart. He asked the sky mother, Why am I like this PLEASE tell me!!!!!

    10. The sky mother replied, ( of course in a wise way), The answer lies in The forgotten crystal land you will have to journey for a long time then you will find out if you follow your heart.

    11. So mira gave him the map and hudson left toward his adventure that storytellers still tell of today.He hiked Mt. Shiveer and got past the Jamaasian wall. He was in the dangerous Phantom land

    12. The phantoms INSTANTLY noticed him. He ran. He was never as scared in his whole life, then he remembered the bullies (who reminded him of the phantoms). He got some boomseeds out of his backpack and hit the phantoms with them. they became phantom dust.

    13. He collected the phantom dust and scrubbed it on him. It would make him invisible to the phantoms ( except the king phantoms) He went and just randomly turned the phantoms to dust for gems.What he didnt notice is that he walked into the phantom hive!!!!

    14. The phantoms in the phantom hive were more advanced and quickly saw him right away. He needed the boomseeds. He got them out of his pack and used them Huh no dust? he asked himself and went strait forward while he was there he encountered the Wolf alpha, greely who was studying the phantoms.

    15. Greely snarled'' this place isnt for a young seal like you! '' Hudson ran off and saw an elbem and COSMO?! Hudson shouted ''what the zios!!!!!''

    16. Cosmo quietly said ''dont be afraid young one!'' ''go on and collect the Lava stones they will help you get past the hive!'' Hudson took his advice and went on. He got a torch and some boomseeds and started exploring the caves

    17. There were many phantoms and he barely even got ONE lava stone but he managed to get all five. He opened the door and saw THE PHANTOM KING!? Hudson screamed then cosmo gave him advice.Use the boomseeds to make the phantom king slam then use boomseeds to defeat him. Hudson listened and Started attacking

    18. The phantom king got him but It wasnt over He woke up in the regeneration place and went on. He had one last hit and the phantom king would be GONE.The phantom king spawned about 1,000 phantoms so It was hard. but he defeated him. Cosmo got him 1,000 gems .Hudson was out of the hive!!!!!!! he went on and he was in another phantom campground. He had run out of boomseeds. ''oh no!'' shouted hudson. ''what shall I do now!!!!!'' the phantoms could hear well and started agressivley snarling at him.

    19. Then he saw his chomper plant seeds and he was filled with joy. He planted the seeds.They grew in enough time so the phantoms got caught.He took the phantom's supplies such as wood and a few food they stole from jammers. He put on A compass he found while gathering the supplies and looked what time it was. It had already been a week!!!!!!

    20. He had to hurry or else his summer break from Jamaa school would end! He ran as fast as he could then he saw a desert.It looked kinda... Forgotten. It had a general store and stuff and It was in a canyon . there were eagles circling the place. He saw a eagle named Valentina . He asked valentina if she could help him Valentina replied '' sure!''

    21. Hudson told her about his quest and Valentina( lets call her the eagle) accepted to help.Hudson hopped on her back and they flew.They flew past htat old canyon and over the phantom tower. But there was a huge thing in the way!!!!!!! It was a door and it opened with mirrors and crystals. Hudson (who was rather smart) managed to figure the code out and they went onward.

    22. They managed to get to the forgotten crystal land all in one piece . ''FINNALY!!'' screeched valentina, who's wings started getting rather tired. Hudson couldnt see anything though!!!!

    23. Anything but a tree and a rock with a weird hole shaped like a boomseed in it. He decided to do target practice on the rock and the rock opened toa cave. The cave was FILLED with diamonds and a Weird rock with an carving that looked like hudson on it. Hudson wanted to carry it to jamaa and ask Mira what it is. He got the rock and told valentina. they decided to rest under the tree until tomorrow.

    24. They woke up and packed up and started flying.They noticed the wall was STILL THERE. they had to do an EVEN HARDER puzzle to get through.They couldnt do it, Hudson and valentina TRIED AND TRIED AND TRIED but just couldnt do it!!!!! Hudson even tried to use boomseeds. Still didnt work!

    25. Hudson used chomper plants and then he started digging He had already dug 5 meters but he was still not deep enough. valentina tried flying to the top but it had been an hour and she STILL couldnt do it.The had to spend the rest of the day digging and flying. Hudson used boomseeds to dig at least a decimeter more and kept digging.He had already dug to water.and then he had finnaly did it. now all he needed was a tunnel and it had to lead through the wall The wall was a kilometer thick so that was hard.He did it

    26. He had finally did it!!!!! valentina went through and met hudson on the other side. then they started flying again. it was a foggy evening so they had to fly slowly to not crash into the phantom tower.They got to the hive and it seemed ........ different. ''huh'' said hudson I never knew that the hive was on top of an erupting volcano of sludge?

    27. They got some sludge ( just in case) and moved on. They got to the jamaasian wall.This part was easy. they flew over mt shiveer, and got into jamaa township.

    28. They saw mira. She said '' YAY you are back I have surely missed you!'' Mira put the spirit stone in the ground and A bunch of otters popped out!

    29. ''You are an otter, not an seal Hudson!!!!!!!'' exclaimed mira exitedly. Hudson became the otter alpha and rosalina remembered she was the eagle alpha

    30. Anyone like my story?

    31. It's a bit easier to read like that, but it definitely gets you more comments.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ello jammers! Oh god I hate auto correct... Anyway I have not commented Ina while! So Im gonna post one story each day. So her chapter 1 of the alpha olive.

  9. Chapter one

    Olive charged full speed and caught the gazelle she was hunting. Then a rustle came from the bushes. Two cages popped out each holding phantoms. They charged at olive. She used magic powers she was born with and destroyed the phantoms that attacked her.

  10. A louder noise came from the bushes. She whirled around expecting more phantoms but a large figure stepped out. It was a tiger. He said, " I am sir Gilbert. You ssemm to have the making of a shaman. Follo me olive.


  11. Chapter three

    Olive followed the mysterious tiger to a place called Jammu. At the township in a secret area as sir Gilbert said they saw a pretty bird. She said, " my an,e is mire. U have become the alpha oaf the cheetahs." she handed olive a spirit stone. The end. Did u like it?


    1. nice story!It is interesting but it has typos

  12. That new item is fancy! Actually, not only the rulers wore them. Mostly everyone does. Most of them have their heads shaved clean, then they pour essence and wear the wig.

    Maybe AJHQ will release a Pharaoh Crown item?

    A staff might be cool, but I don't think they'll release it.

    Maybe they'll do the Ankh of Life symbol for our dens!

    1. Nice fact rainbow and cool idea of a pharoah crown!

    2. Thank you!

      Then you might just see the snake on the Pharaoh Crown for you, Mldriver!

  13. I'll try to do a story!

    How Diamond Animals Came to Be

    Every animal tribe have their own leader.

    So does the Diamond Animals.

    Everyday they would remember their Shamans.
    Even if we do not know it.


    Chapter 1: The Hunt

    "Alright! Gather around!" their Shamans would cry out.

    The whole animal tribe would assemble around their shamans, listening to what they have to say.

    "Now!" the sharp voice of their shaman cry out! "We are off for a hunt!"

    The word hunt immediately made the animals happy, excited. "Yipee!" the younger ones would cry out.

    The elder ones would get their plans ready, checking their claws or fangs.

    "Alright, all!" cried the shamans.

    To their own tribes, they called out their destinations.

    "Further in the grasslands!" cried the Hyena, Cheetah and Lion Shaman.

    "Plunge into the rivers!" commanded the Otter Shaman.

    "Enter the arctic plains!" instructed the Snow Leopard and Arctic Wolf.

    "Soar the skies, eagles!" yelled the Eagle Shaman.

    "Hop across the Australian lands!" the Kangaroo Shaman called, and they're off.

    1. Chapter 2: Jamaa

      The lions roared. They found a new land. They found a bunny to devour. Before they could pounce, the bunny turned and welcomed them to Jamaa. In shock, the lions agree to live together in peace as their leader go find the females, as they were searching in another area.

      The arctic wolves stopped. The cold mountains were fantastic, but a tiger invited them to explore more lands than they ever before. They became one with Jamaa, and theur leader decided to find the lost spirit of Zios.

      Hopping across the land, a koala in green came by. "Excuse me," said their leader, "have you seen any berries?"

      The koala shook it's head, then asked, "Are you new comers?"

      "Yes," said the Kangaroo Shaman.

      The koala smiled. "I am Cosmo, you can be part of Jamaa where you will never strive or die."

      The kangaroos accepted the offer, but their Shaman went off mysteriously the next day, leaving a note that their leader will soon be back with the other kangaroos...

      While scouring the Grasslands, the hyenas decided that they should go elsewhere than the Grasslands. "We get too little food here," complained one.

      The shaman thought about it. "Alright," was the reply.

      The tribe raced out of the grasslands, only to be engulfed by mist. When the mist faded, they were is a place with a blue heron statue. The heron seemed to talk, "Hello. Welcome."

      Overhead, eagles flew, they were now one in Jamaa. The Eagle leader talked to the Hyena leader and decided to help find new lands.

      Snow Leopards and Cheetahs were already exploring the place, although they didn't realise their leaders backing away into the shadows...

      The otters chattered as their leader introduced them to Jamaa, they land recently found. A cry was heard, a bunny was sinking. The otter Shaman dove and rescued the bunny, but the otters didn't know if their shaman still lives for they were too excited to care...

      These shamans, remembered by the Alphas (shamans) are now... known throughout the land.

    2. Btw thats me Sorry it keeps glitching lol

    3. Thanks!
      Oh, ok. Yeah, I noticed. Kind of weird.

  14. WOW I cant believe I became a top commenter in ONE DAY O.O

    1. I know right? I was like: OH MY MIRA. DEW TOP COMMENTER?


  15. Ok next story.
    Chapter one

    Once in a land of Australia there lived a group of kangaroos. The group was small,at about five. These were the only kangaroos left in southeastern Australia. The kangaroos thought it was to far to fond a new home with more kangaroos. One day, a kangaroo named boomer decided to go find some food. When he was out searching for berries, he

  16. Chapter two

    He heard a noise up in a lone tree. A panda climbed down. a panda! boomer thought. we don't see pandas around here! Hen the panda spoke. "Bommer," she said, "you have a making of a shaman. Most kangaroos in trouble would only think about keeping themselves alive. But here you are,trying to save your group. Follow me, and bring your group too."


  17. Chapter three

    Boomer hopped back to his group and told them what the panda said. They agreed to come.nwhen they got back to the panda she asked,"boomer, were you corn with any magic power?" boomer replied," well I can transport people places and I can fight those spidery thingtys that cone to my shelter." " good, that is what the aphas do. And by the why, my Nama is Liza." saiid Liza. She nodded to her staff and everyone touched it. They zoomed and ended up in a outback le place. Lisa told them eit was called kimbara. Just thenn a beautiful blue bird espirallwd down to the kangaroos and Liza.nboomer, I now make you a shaman she seemed to whisper. She floated upp and away. Then a big stampede of kangaroos came. Boomer gasped because it was his old group. But now he was there leader, for years to come. Did Like it? I now it's short.


  18. WOW I cant wait to get bunny claw!

  19. Yay I have rare claw now again!!!
