Banyan Tree and Costume Corner

Mldriver posting for you today.

Over at TreeTop Gardens, we have the Banyan Tree:

Looks kinda small right?.....WRONG

These things are massive! But, they look so cool. You would of thought of them being in Epic Wonders. Here is what one looks like in real life form:


Do any of you remember the "Costume Corner"? If I am correct AJ removed it after a couple of months. But, they did it with no warning... so what happened?

So, I believe the first Costume Corner (cc for short) started in the month of July 2012. 

I actually enjoyed these a lot. They were creative and unique. The thing is, a lot of Jammers would use it. Making it a very common outfit. 

There are also others of this mysterious CC:

Did people not like the outfits AJ was creating for them? Why do you think they stopped creating them?

That's it for today!
Contact me at:


  1. I believe they were out on the 2011. I loved those! Anyway, banyan trees are special to me- you'll know if I post it up today.

    1. On second though, 2012-2013 sounds just right.

    2. Actually, these came out last year. I think it lasted from July to October. They probably didn't look good in other Jammers' perspectives so that's probably the reason why AJHQ removed them.


    3. Edit:

      Yeah, I think it was on 2012 during the release of foxes and that's why they made second CC with the foxes. I'm not 100% sure though. I will check in recent posts.


    4. Edit (AGAIN):

      Yep, it was July - September, 2012.


    5. can you do cc (costume corner) it would be real cool xoxo gossip girl jk lol

    6. I like animal jam. I played it sence pre-k ( i think ) and i'm in 2nd grade

    7. Yep! I really enjoyed those too. I was there at AJ at that time. :P

    8. Yep, they were there between 2012 and 2013.

    9. @Anonymous
      Yeah! Since AJ has stopped this CC thingy, maybe AJC could start it over? It would be cool, won't it! ;)

  2. I thought the tree was small or something, a little similar to the bonsai. I guess I was wrong. :D

    Ahh yes, we'll never know why the CC are no longer happening.

    Here are my theories:
    -AJHQ might've forgotten it.
    -AJHQ might've been busy on doing other things but now they forgot it.
    -Jammers think it's a rubbish idea that AJHQ decided to no longer make these.
    -AJHQ might've thought that there will be a server full of these costumes.

    I don't know if any of these theories are true but there is a possibility.


    1. I think Jammers never does dress up the way as is presented in the Costume Corner, so AJ must have got depressed and decided to shut it down.

  3. Replies
    1. Or is it just outdated or do u win it?

    2. Excuse me, that is cheating! You should put both those sentences in one comment. If you are allowed to do that, then I will do it too. Anyway, I should inform Pumaa about this cause I have warned you before and you don't listen!

    3. Hey Hey the rules say u can post as many comments as u like as long as it keeps to the subject :P

  4. Banyan tree? That's the coolest tree ever! And it DOES look massive!

    1. Yep! I wonder why we can't eat Banyans. Well, I was once given an essay to write about 'Autobiography of a Tree' and I wrote that I am a Banyan Tree. :)
      A huge storm survivor. XD

    2. Ya its super big REALLY REALLY BIG!!!

  5. Hello! I'm back from my trip! Thanks for covering for me yesterday Mldriver! Great post- I love banyan trees. I was wondering the same thing about costume corners! Maybe no one liked them. Such a shame. Anywho, tomorrow is Jammer Sundae! Yay XD I will be up and posting starting tomorrow!

    1. Also, I think I might do the giraffe one!

    2. Yay! Did you enjoy your trip? Hope it was awesome. :D

    3. Well, I can't wait for tomorrow. I love Jammer Sundaes. XD
      They are really fun and entertaining. ^.^

    4. And yeah! I also went of a trip yesterday! :D
      It was to the movies. :)
      We watched 'Guardians of the Galaxy' in 3D. Oh man, it was awesome! :D

  6. They should make a swamp den that looks like an alligator habitat. Those trees would look great!

    1. You could use them in the Treehouse den, perhaps?

    2. Those are both great ideas! I really would enjoy a new den. (That's NOT in the dreaded Diamond Shop!!!)

    3. Yay! Nice idea! :D
      You should tell AJHQ about it, and I'm sure they'll listen. ^.^

      Yesssh! No Diamond Shop this time! :D

    4. Ya a swamp den!! AWESOME!!!!

  7. Lol at first I thought it looked like the tree from TBA lol

  8. Hm... The Daily Explorer said that the Phantom Statues are in the Diamond Shop, but they aren't there. Odd..

    1. Ya they kinda are.. U can win the glowey ones I think!

  9. I wonder who will be the 200th follower...

  10. Would you two authors mind making accounts on the forum? It will be easier to contact each other that way.

  11. Maybe they stopped because it was against some people's religion..? I don't really know.. Maybe people thought AJ was stealing their ideas? Who knows? Maybe they will come back! I really hope they do, they're cool!!

  12. Omg the giraffe one is totally celestia from mlp!!!
