Peck Portrait, Adventure Tips, and Post Ratings

Hello Jammers!

Today in the land of Jamaa, we have a new item: The Peck Portrait!

This is less creepy than the Liza Portrait to be honest. I like that every frame suits the personality of the Shaman! Hey look! Ribbons from Peck's ears, and Peck's earring is on there too! It seems that Peck and Sir Gilbert are the only Shamans not in adventures yet... I wonder if they will be added soon!

Speaking of adventures, I have a few adventure tips for you Jammers today!

  1. When on the easy mode of an adventure, sometimes its good to let phantoms put you to sleep. If you have an item like a key, depending on where the Zios Crystal Portal thingie is, you can get teleported to a good place, closer to where you need to put the item.
  2. Think ahead! Whenever you can see a phantom sprouter before you get to it, get rid of it- especially in Greely's inferno. Life will be made easier for you this way.
  3. Search in extra places! Chances are there are more gems hiding for you!

Lastly, I would like for you guys to give me a rating on my posts. Please be honest. What do you think? Please tell me below- 5 being the best and 1 being the worst. Thanks!

If you have anything to tell/ask me whether its codes, glitches, questions, or Jammer Sundaes you can contact me at


  1. I enjoy your posts a lot! I'm glad that the blog has gotten back to a normal schedule again. 5 out of 5!

  2. 5 starts adventure gides AND todays new item! peck is my fave btw cuz she is artist and the youngest i can relate to her i like greely too
    my 2nd fave beacuase he looks alike a doggie!:)

  3. Finally! A good portrait! I personally love peck.

  4. 5 Stars all the way! Your great at writing. My favorite Alpha has to be Greely or Sir Gilbert.
