Giraffe Pets and Other Updates from the Jamaa Journal!

A few days ago, the Jamaa Journal updated to inform everyone that pet giraffes were now available!
If you're a member, you can buy a pet giraffe of your own in the Diamond Shop in Jamaa Township, for three diamonds.
Also mentioned in the Jamaa Journal is the new den, which is called the Crystal Palace. This den is also available for purchase in the Diamond Shop for 7 diamonds.
It's said to be the biggest den yet... will you be buying it?

This issue of the Journal also includes information on rhinos making their return, lions in Jamaa going endangered, and updates on a few of the adventures.

Happy jamming!



  1. First! I got the Crystal den, it's amazing! You can check my den out it's sweetpanda56789. It's extra large and has lots of rooms+a cave+garden+lawn+boat+island and scenery to decorate! I love it!

    1. Also it looks nice without wallpapers and floors too!
