Humming Hot Memory


The underwater grand piano plays a melodic tune as I carry on with today's update news! We have a new adventure. AJHQ always blows my socks off with each new one.
In order for a desert to be forgotten, someone had to forget about it. There's an origin to everything. How do you think the desert was before it was forgotten?

Hummingbirds are back, and they're the only birds that can do that!
Flying backwards I mean.

It's confirmed, and hyenas will be the new animal. I wonder if their silly jokes can convince AJHQ to make them all-Jammer animals.
They had to make them laugh so hard to release the video early.

It's interesting going back to your place of origin. When I joined Animal Jam in 2012, the summer carnival was the first event I ever attended.
The prizes are simply awesome, and make good offers for other times of the year. Stock up when it comes!

Notice how a sale happens in between certain updates?
But the real question is, since the old hood is 40 gems, how much gems can a Jammer earn after recycling them?

And den portals are the hottest thing to break the space time continuum!
It's efficient, but keep in mind they're all members-only.
And sold in the Lost Temple Of Zios.
By the way, isn't the temple already found? Or does the fallen Zios idol represent the temple?

And finally, on the last page, an introduction to the new Daily Explorer.
We were basically beta testers for it before the update.



  1. The desert was probably a land in jamaa then it became forgotten!

    1. Yeah! I think jammers never cared about it...

  2. I think the desert was a jungle then became a desert then became forgotten lol

  3. This adventure is the most popular current adventure!
