Helmet Of Elf Origin


Venturing into the unknown may seem scary, but combat those fears with the right equipment and you're good to go! Today's rare? The sapphire elf helmet of course!
It looks dastardly awesome. I wouldn't be surprised if a majestic lion boasted this accessory.
And he did! On forth, leprechaun!

Don't worry if you're unable to get the item. You're bound to find the original item in Best Dressed. Simply donning a random outfit and voting for your favorites will get you thousands of gems.
The best part is, you can try on items you've missed and decide whether it's worth it to earn it!

Alas, some Jammers may have a hard time collecting such wear, for it's hard to see with no eyes.
Gray, white, and red are matched, but what about the poor arctic wolf's paw? Hang in there!



  1. why do AJHQ make rares and stuff sooo expensive?!?

  2. Haha! Funny glitch. XD
    That sometimes happens to me when I first log in, and most jammers are invisible too!

  3. I thought it was Elmet of Helf. What?
