Big Thank You!

Hello jammers!
I would like to take the time to thank our blog team and all of you!
I have been extremely inactive and came on to multiple pleasant surprises - the fact that Ronen is keeping the blog updated is amazing. I owe a huge thank you to him and to Pumaa for helping set him up with the tools he needs to make AJC the best it can be! It truly amazes me that AJC is now more than a blog, but a platform for other bloggers. I am not active here; I don't really do anything anymore. Pumaa and Ronen have grown by leaps and bounds on this blog, and I am so glad that whenever the current leaders do become inactive, there is always someone eager to take over and create a new era of AJC. So a huge thank you to Pumaa, Ronen, and all other past authors here!

The other one involves page views. Back when the blog launched - nearly FOUR years ago - we were in the top 2 for popularity. In June of 2011, we hit an astonishing record of page views in a month with over 44,000.

In March of this year, 2014, we broke that record and hit more than 58,000 hits in a single month! An amazing comeback considering that just in January, we weren't even getting half of that... and in October, we hit our all time low of only 4,000 a month. That is a HUGE comeback, in my opinion!

And just today we officially reached 750,000 views. 3 Quarters of a million! Wow!

So my thanks goes out to all of you... all of you who read the blog daily and rely on us to provide you with the latest AJ updates.

I'll see if I can start up some contests and such soon!



  1. You're welcome, Slidoo :). None of this couldn't have happened without the help of the readers authors, and everyone else you said!

  2. This post makes me almost want to come back, just to make the 1 million milestone. :P March was an exciting month here, every day we beat yesterday's record. We were at about 2,800 a day when I left. Now that I have left, I think it should be someone else's job to eventually take admin and beat my record. I'm just to old to be playing AJ, I don't enjoy it.

    1. And by the way, fellow Jammers, I do intend to give away my plethora of rare items eventually. My Founder will be especially hard to give up, maybe I'll wait until 1 million hits?

  3. Pumaa, if you don't already know this, I'd like for my prizes for the March contest to go to either

    Thanks :)

  4. Hi! Can you put my blog on the blogroll?

    Sol Lucet in Jamaa

    Thanks so much

  5. Congratulations! AJC is an awesome blog!
    I am your biggest fan, Slidoo!

    1. No, I am! XD
      This is one of the best blogs I have ever seen! ;')

  6. THANKS so MUCH AJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
