Leafy Ants & Magazines


Earth Day is finally among everybody, and right now billions of people around the world are celebrating it. It is an important day when people realized the outcome of their inhumane activities toward the planet. To encourage less wood furniture, AJHQ released offset glass shelves!
Less wood production equals more homes for animals like leafcutter ants!

And if you're looking for an activity to do today, finish the remains of your cereal and make a magazine holder out of the box.
You can even hold the NG Kids' magazine issue Pumaa got a code from last post.

And there will be a party in the conservation museum, and I hope you all can come.
Happy Earth Day!



  1. first comment and its a shame i cant come to the party as i dont live in the USA but i would of come if i did!

    1. You mean physically or time zones?

  2. What is aj time? I love today's item, it seems really realistic to me. I hope i can come to the party

  3. I like today's item! It's quite modern! I really hope I can come tot he party! Unfortunately, like SnowyPaw, I don't live in the USA. What's AJ's timezone? I'll try to come! Can't wait!


  4. I like how you featured my party, and I know how it says "The Animal Jam Sky Blog's", but you could have mentioned my name. Oh well, it is fine :)

    --Scooter (Animal Jam Sky Blog)

  5. What is AJ time? Can someone explain?

  6. I'll try to make it to the party, although I can't make any promises. School has been unpredictable lately. :(
