Fashion Contest Begins

Hey Jammers! Today is Rare Item Monday! Today's rare is the Rare Big Bow, which can be found on the 12th page of Jam Mart Furniture.

That's right - today I will begin my Fashion Contest! The winner of this contest will receive a blue Pirate Sword!

I have chosen six finalists for the contest. At the end of every post, I will put pictures of the remaining finalists. (Their usernames will be kept anonymous.) Your job will be to comment who you want out of the contest! Each person can vote one time, and anonymous and name/url comments will not count. Whoever gets the most votes will be removed from the contest. This will go on until only one Jammer remains - the winner of the Fashion Contest! Remember, this is only for fun. Please do not insult Jammers when you vote them out.

Now, the long awaited moment... Here are the six finalists! Click the image to enlarge it:

In order to vote a Jammer out:
Comment below the name of the Jammer you want removed, this can be included in a regular comment. Make sure you do not comment as "Anonymous" or "Name/URL". You can only vote once, but you can comment as much as you want.

Jam on!



  1. i am sorry, but princess cottonbunny has to go. im voting her out

    1. again, sorry. princess cottonbunny, you are just not zazzy enough.
      *rides stick to the moon*

  2. Omg, I got into the top six hooray. Good job everyone, everyone there looks amazing but I think princess cottonbunny should be out. Very sorry.

    1. I hav 2 agree with u 1st 2 peeps. Princess Cottonbunny is out... SOOOOOOO srry Princess. :(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry I meant to say leopardgeckolover that's my username

  5. ugh, I hate voting people out because it makes me feel guilty for some reason and bad, sorry guys

  6. Mythical Daisypaw. Sorry to whoever that is.

  7. I vote out Princess Daisylily. (Sorry!)

  8. Sorry, but Mythical Dasisypaw isn't my first choice :'( Sorry.

    And I made it in; whoop!

  9. I would have to say Mythical Daisypaw as well, but they are all very good!

  10. I'm really sorry but I have to say Princess Cottonbunny. They were all really good, good job and good luck!

  11. First of all im coolsealy4110,

    Princess daisylilly. She just cant go out look like that on S aint Patricks day.

  12. I have to say sir quiet paw

  13. Well the contest is already over but ID say Princess cotten bunny or sir quit paw!

  14. I think Princess Cottonbunny, because she is not wearing many green items...

  15. I have the Rare Big Bow! It looks nice on animals! :)

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