Back Posting, and Surfboard

Yes, I am finally back and posting! I believe our newest author will start posting soon as well, and we'll see about possible author roles. In the meantime, I hope all our past viewers will come back, and new ones as well! Just before I took my break, we broke the record for views in a day with 2,867. Lets see if we can surpass 3,000 in a day before the end of April!

There have been plenty of new things in Jamaa lately, including Eagle Pets and a new Sol Arcade Den! I won't go over any of that in depth, but today's new item is the Surfboard in Jam Mart Furniture.

Looks like AJHQ is already making summer items, even though it is still early Spring. Speaking of spring, the annual Easter Egg hunt is here, and you can expect cheats very soon! Strange, though, how the Easter Egg hunt is starting now even though Easter isn't until the 20th.

Lastly, I know I am very overdue for the fashion contest. Be prepared, AJC's April Fashion Contest begins on Monday! 

Until then, Jam on!



  1. The surfboard is cool but I wish that it was 4 all Jammers...

  2. Easter is a very religious holiday, so I don't think AJHQ is affiliating the egg hunt with it, because not everyone celebrates the religion is based off of.

    1. Well that's what they're calling it..
      Maybe they like to use it because of the absurd amount of cuteness and animals.

      I'm not going to go around saying my religion, But as a kid I didn't really know about "religion", I knew there was god and everyone was happy. And to me Easter was the celebration of coming spring and animals coming out of hibernation.

  3. I'm glad to see you're back to posting! :)
