Hey, Jammers! First of all, I know my posting hasn't been as good as it was in February or early March. That has hurt the popularity of the blog - we are currently getting less than half the views we had a month ago. Even so, we have managed to reach 700,000 hits, and I think that would be a bad time to abandon the blog. If you are willing to keep viewing AJC, I'm willing to keep posting!

Today's new item is in Epic Wonders, the Nesting Greely Doll! (Correct me if this is an old item. :P)

I was wondering if AJHQ would actually make a Greely version, and here it is, sure enough. Not particularly "cute" or "cool", mostly just humiliating for Greely.

There are a few other updates that probably came yesterday. When you try to send a gift to a nonmember, you get this message:

So now it's impossible to send gifts to nonmembers. Strange. Also, there is a new little button to the right of the chat box:

Here's how it works. Say you wanted to invite Jammers in Jamaa Township to a party at your den. You might say "Party at my den, all Jammers welcome!". But then, you would have to keep typing the same thing over and over again, so that everyone would see the message. Well, no longer! When you click the button, it will show things you recently said.

Click one of the messages, and it will make you say it again! This is a feature that won't be used very often, but it's useful when you do need it.

Last but not least, the contest winner! This prize goes to Pouncing Strongmajor, also known as funplay1! Here is her winning outfit:

I will give you your nonmember sword when you are online, as you are a nonmember.

I'm really backed up on contests now. Technically I still owe you one for 675,000 and 700,000 hits, and for 175 followers soon as well. I think this calls for a change of plans. It will probably be better if the contests are only every 50,000 hits. That way there will be a break between contests. Jam on!



  1. Funplay1, isn't that Avvy? (Correct me if I'm wrong)

  2. @Nebula: Yup!
    @DaPost: NMs could never receive gifts. And now they can't send them. And the repost-chat button is members only, along with the chat hisyory button. >:-(

    1. I remember when nonmembers could receive gifts. ;) They removed that when appondale came out, if I remember correctly. Back in May 2011.

    2. @Pumaa I remember that too. Sucks that they changed it. :(

  3. Thanks everyone! :D

    So glad I won! Kudos to everyone else who entered; you where all great!
    I can probably get on around any time that works for you, I'm pretty sure we're in the same time zone.

  4. Congrats funplay1! :)

  5. ??? never played AJ when nonmembers could receive gifts then :( go ahead make meh mad. I AM a member but thats just not so very nice! (the nm-no-can-do receiving gifts thing)

  6. U cant give gifts to nm. This is soo sad. CRY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Some of my buddys are nm

    From Doomhall
    Hey its copyrighted!

  8. Nms can't even send gifts now! DX
    All because of Fman! :O
