Sailor Hat & Search for Greely

Click here to enter a Fashion Contest! Last day to enter!

Hey Jammers! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I didn't realize it was an update. Also, I realize that the daily spin isn't a true scam, since AJHQ never promised that there would be a 1/16 chance of getting a diamond. The thing is, when Diamonds came out, AJHQ put them in the spin as a way to be nice to nonmembers and let them have diamonds. AJHQ basically made it look like nonmembers could get diamonds easily, when really its extremely hard. They weren't really being nice to nonmembers at all, its just another way to lure them into buying Membership.

Anyway, today's item is the returning Sailor Hat, in Bahari Bargains:

I won't go over everything in yesterday's update, since I know you all have probably explored everything already. Here is a brief overview.

In yesterday's update, there were really only two new things. The first is that Pandas are "traveling". You can no longer buy a panda, though you can keep ones you already own.

The other update is the new Adventure, the Search for Greely. Its the sequel to Greely's Inferno, and looks like a lot of fun!

I'll let the actual adventure be a surprise for you all, go ahead and try it!

Also, remember to enter the Fashion Contest!



  1. First! Great post by the way!

  2. Today's sailor hat is cute and guess what. The adventure is non member or at least it was for me yesterday

  3. When will The Hive become non member... And Greely's Inferno? ;_; I can't wait to try them.

  4. I cant wait to try the search for greely when I get membership!

  5. Wait... I'm just wondering whether or not Slidoo quit posting. That just popped into mind that I haven't seen him post in a long time. If it's obvious I just dumbed out on it I guess. Lol. :D

    1. I was wondering the same thing!

  6. same, i hope they will be nm soon

  7. wow, today the adventure isn't nm, I guess it was just that one time maybe it was a glitch and let me in, poop I probably should have finished it I just had to go

    1. Yeah those adventures can take a long time to finish.

  8. Lol, the sailor's hat is really weird. ;b

  9. a really looooooooooooooong time especially alone

  10. Have you guys ever heard of the "AJ Mating Clubs?" They are really bad. If you find someone jumping on another person that is lying down report and block both of them. They are usually wolves that dress scary or in skin color. Avoid at all costs. Any bloggers that are reading this should make an emergency post about it. I just heard about them a little while back. Beware!

  11. oh yeah, I have heard of them like a year ago it is terrible and inappropriate for a children's game, I will be sure to give a heads up about it.

  12. I've played the adv 3 times only. :P
