Hey Jammers! Happy Lucky Day! Today's Rare Item Monday item is the Rare Lucky Tuxedo on the 12th page of Jam Mart Furniture!

Now you can look lucky and dapper at the same time! ;)

In other news, remember I said there would be a contest for every 25,000 views on this blog? Well, we just hit 650,000! To celebrate, this contest will be a Fashion Contest. All credit for this idea goes to Scooter AJ. Here is how it will work:

1) The theme of this contest is Green - dress up one of your animals in green items, try to look your best! Rare items are not important, and you can be member or nonmember. Once you are happy with the way you look, take a screenshot of your animal from your "Change Your Look" window. Here is an example screen shot of my Koala:

2) Send the screen shot to my email - You may only enter one time!

3) I will review every entry, and pick six finalists. Then, at the end of each post I will put the pictures of the six finalists. Each day, it will be your job to vote someone out of the contest! To do this, you will comment the Jammer you think should be removed from the finalists. We will do this every day until there is one Jammer left - the winner of the March Fashion Contest!

4) The winner of the fashion contest will receive a Blue Pirate Sword!

So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and enter the contest!



  1. How many times are we allowed to enter?

  2. It was 70 degrees on Saturday, and now its 25 degrees and snowing. Crazy weather here.

    1. Ha, I feel ya 100%. ;b

    2. Same where I live! It was about 65 degrees one day and it stayed for 2 days then it dropped into 30 degree weather. Then that weekend it was 12 degrees and snowing like a white-out! Mother Nature sure is throwing us a curve ball here.

    3. It's 32 Degree Celsius here today!

  3. The contest idea is great! :D Good luck to all the entries!

    I do have one question- Once you choose the 6 finalists, are you going to keep their usernames anonymous? For instance, Jammer 1's outfit, Jammer 2, etc. That way it wouldn't be biased. ^^

    1. That sounds like a good idea. :)

    2. Yeah, that's actually how it should be done...

  4. Great contest! I'll try to enter...
    P.S. I have a contest on my blog. First place wins blue pirate sword, beehive, and snake plushie! Here's the link:

    1. Ooohhh, I'll totally check it out! :)

  5. Ooohhh, a fashion show! Ha, I'm all over that idea. ;)

    1. I'm thinking of hosting one as soon as I reach 25,000 views and 50 followers! :D

  6. I can't take screen shots on my old, run-down computer. Plus my parents don't want me emailing someone I don't really know. Can we just comment our usernames when we are done and you can check them out?

    1. You can take a screen shot by pressing the key that says "prt sc" (or something similar) in the top-right of your keyboard. Then paste the image in paint. Once you saved the image you can either email it to me or upload it to something like and comment the URL.

    2. My computer can't do that because it's older than I am. It's about 12 years old and it is a Windows 7 or something like that. It's really old. I just can't take screenshots on it. I've looked up how to and every website or search result says that it's not possible to take screenshots on this old thing. So I guess I will be out of another contest. My parents have a newer laptop but I can't use it. I might be able to use it. I doubt it though. Plus, my computer has a lot of bugs in the system and it won't let me get Microsoft Word or anything without some more bugs coming up. Thanks anyway.

  7. I am going to try to enter, goo dluck to everyone

  8. Good luck everyone! If you want 2 add me Im claudet789! Mine is Clover Green Im non member btw XD

  9. Instead of having people you think should be taken down, why don't you make everyone choose who they like so if people get voted out they don't think a bunch of people are hating on them, so they can feel as if other people approved of them but they lost, but it's okay.

  10. I really want to try this it seems cool by the way my users isarie for AJ

    1. Its 8:04 for my time and its really 5:06

  11. DancingTemplePride out, :) btw, big fan of ur website keep going!

  12. what website do you use the screenhot camra 4?//

  13. Im lucky now with my lucky goggles luck shirt lucky pants lucky shoes lucky underwear lucky watch lucky pockets lucky something or another!

  14. That is just a recolored item! :T
    AJ should design some new ones...

  15. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
