Clover Table & Crazy Pet Glitch

Hey Jammers! Today we have another Lucky Day item in Jam Mart Furniture, this time its the Clover Table.

Spring is here! Well, not really, but the Epic Seasonal Tree sure seems to think so. It changed slightly while I was writing this post, actually.

After:                                                 Before:

Also, there is a strange glitch many Jammers have been experiencing, and its incredibly easy to do! Just buy an animal that can go both underwater and on land (a penguin, for example). Then, put a pet on it. Go to the oceans, and your pet will stick with you!

That's one determined kangaroo. You can do the opposite: bringing ocean pets on land! Just put your ocean pet on while underwater, and when you go on land it will follow you!

You might as well enjoy this glitch while its here. Anyone want to scare their buddies by bringing an angler fish in their den?

Well, that's all for now! Be ready for some awesome posts this Friday and Saturday!



  1. yay first comment! Today's item is very festive, that's for sure. I like this glitch, it is awesome, I hope aj doesn't patch it up soon. I am excited for the cool new posts!

  2. Omg, guys, you'll never believe it, guess what.............................. I got top commenter, I am not trying brag or anything, sorry if it sounds that way, but yay, I thought I would never get there

  3. Aww, the little pets grow up so fast... :,)

  4. I like today's item, it's cute. ;)

  5. that glitch happens with my kangaroos XD

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. LOL thats one crazy pet glitch!
