Shamrock Glasses

Hey Jammers! Sorry about not writing that glitch tutorial, I completely forgot. I will do it this afternoon though! And no, I won't forget this time.

New in Jam Mart Clothing is the colorful and festive Shamrock Glasses!

I wonder why AJHQ is releasing Lucky Day items in February, when Lucky Day isn't until March 17th. They must have a lot of items planned!

Also, the Lucky Party is here! I can't geting right now, but I'll take some screenshots when I can.

Here is a screenshot that Swurve posted on AJC way back in 2012:

I might as well spoil the surprise now. The glitch tutorial will be about how to get Eagles into Adventures! So be sure to check back this afternoon for that. :)



  1. First!

    Nice glitch! I just turned NM, though...


    1. I agree, it sounds like fun! The only hiccup is I don't have an eagle...

  2. yeah, I agree, and aww you are nm again, bummer.

  3. I actually like today's item, they are cute. I will be looking for the glitch tutorial, I bet it will be great. The lucky party looks cute and fun I just can't get in. I am soooooo upset, i have done everything and I can't get into aj for the past 4 days, not even my spare accounts.

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  5. You could host it from the world map? I went on an adventure this morning with an eagle, with no level. I think they're one of the most reliable animals to take on an adventure, because they can fly over the arctic wolf passage and go in the cave.

    1. Oh my gosh, they can fly over the passage?! Sweeet.

    2. that's awesome, so no artic wolf involved, amazing.

  6. This is really off topic, but today I was eating a hotdog and I somehow dropped mustard on my new jeans. AHH! :U Now I smell like mustard. Eww.

    1. Lol arrrgh it made me SO mad. I hate it when I drop food on my clothes. (Which I rarely do, mind you.) It makes me look like a slob. Lol. ;b

  7. I hope to see lucky gazelle horns?

  8. Woah thats one green house lol (stupid pun)
