Author Update

For classified reasons, Zach94 has been stripped of his author and forum moderator positions. AJC is warning users not to trust him for reasons which cannot currently be disclosed (some of you already know why).

We would like to thank Zach for his help with the website and forum over the past few months, but news that has recently been brought to our attention forces us to remove him from our crew.

He is no longer an author here at AJC, meaning some form of author tryouts will be released ASAP. Until then, I (Pumaa) will try to post as much as possible. You can also look forward to more blog update like a new theme and pages!

Update: Apparently this post wasn't very clear. Zach94's true identity is Springclaw, an old jammer with a bad reputation. Jammers with this type of past are not permitted to work for AJC as it can damage the reputation of our services. If you have any questions, you can PM Pumaa or myself (Slidoo) on the forum.


  1. I don't get it. Who is Springclaw?

  2. Please explain a bit more?

    Who is Springclaw and what happened?

    1. Yeah! What did he suddenly do that he became bad?

  3. Like the other commentators, I'm also a bit confused. But I'll trust your judgement; I'm sorry to hear about all this. >.< I hope you find a better author!

  4. Springclaw's been rude to my friends before and copied their blogs. >.< I hope the othe authors won't give you as much trouble as this guy has. D:

  5. That's weird. He recently quit and gave me a bunch of items. He hasn't logged on to his account since.

  6. I know @Ronen Jamaa, he gave me his Blue Worn!

    - Ryan22696

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Springclaw is Zach94, I think. I think she or he or whatever Springclaw was owned a blog caled Animal Jam Explorer. I was popular for fighting, at least I remember that it that way. - Raymond12

  9. Can you check your email, please, Pumaa?
    Important and related to this post.

  10. ;-;

    That makes me so sad. Seems like you can't trust anyone these days, no matter how nice they seem.

    1. Yup! That's true. Even people act like your best buddies and then scam you! D:

  11. WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by searching for gold watches

    Feel free to visit my web blog ... induction portable Cooktops

    1. XD
      Spam is so funny sometimes...

    2. There are advertises everywhere! Gaaah! >.<
      I don't visit them for safety! :D

  12. This makes me said! Just, sad.

    I mean, who does that?!??!!?? It's just mean and idiotic. I hope you find someone who you can trust to be the next author :)

  13. As the post said previous to me editing it, we have solid proof of his identity, and although this proof cannot be released to the public for security reasons, we feel that we have established a reliable reputation and that it is our duty to report such news to jammers.

    How you interact with this user is completely up to you, but we advise you to take this post as a precaution when dealing with him.

  14. Could I join AJC? I could help you with posts, find some awesome stuff. Check out my own blog, Please consider this, because my old blog got over 100 views. I recently created Animal Jam MEOWS.

  15. I would REALLY like to know what he did?

    Also why cant you tell us?

  16. im just as comfused as you rosey! p.s. to rosey i watch your videos! tomorrow im gonna log on and report zach94 a.k.a. springclaw.

  17. I thin for the next tryout you should check ip address of people
    ~declared ps im going to report zach94 now

  18. We can't provide you with proof for security reasons. The proof is that both users have the same IP. We cannot leak IP addresses into the public for obvious security reasons.

  19. I reported and blocked Zach94 and blocked Springclaw

  20. But the thing we want to know is.. WHAT did springclaw do????

    Just make another account and pretend to be both people at once?
    i just don't understand what he did! i mean i do that all the time when i need another actor for a movie or another person for a role play or something..?

  21. Hey guys mayb he has a sister or something who did that stuff. If not don't b mad plz!!!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
