Rare New Year's Eagles

Hey Jammers! Sorry there was no post yesterday, I'll make it up today. Well, today is the last Rare Item Monday of 2013! I was hoping for something a little more fantastic, but you can find the Rare Butterfly wings on the last page of Jam Mart Furniture.

Not my favorite, but it is for nonmembers as well. And that price is relatively good for a RIM! Yesterday's item was the Snowboard, sold in Jam Mart Furniture.

I actually really like this item! After all, even though the Jamaalidays are over, Winter is just beginning! It actually comes in 10 colors. I wonder why AJHQ alternates between giving items 10 and 8 colors.

Meanwhile, the New Years Party is released! I can't get in yet, post I will edit this post when I can. There is a post about it on The Daily Explorer:

Haha, it says 2013 is just around the corner! Not exactly, AJHQ. But the party is really cool.

Also, on the Animal Jam Everloop page, there is new poll, asking which new animal you want!

I wonder what it would be like to be an eagle. Do you think we would be able to fly anywhere, or just along where any animal can walk? Would there be new lands up in the sky? That would give AJHQ an opportunity to make dens, shops, animals, pets - an entire land out of the sky! Wouldn't that be cool?


PS: New graphics added to the lands pages!


  1. I voted for an eagle, too! When a new land/realm is released, there will be so much features to do! So I thought that an eagle will be a great idea. I can't wait! ^.^


  2. i want lynx
    fish301 and ya i am 2nd

  3. Eagle is best, we already have soooo many big cats.

  4. Eagle! Mainly because I already kno that they r coming out! ;P

  5. Lol there is a typo, up by the Rare Wings; Its says "last page of Jam Mart Furniture!

  6. I think all animals would be cool to get, but the eagle won and we got it

  7. Why do all animals have to be 10 diamonds though? So depressing.

  8. I mean all NEW animals.

  9. An eagle won. XD I think AJHQ saw the poll

  10. For the poll, I'd want an eagle or jaguar! :P
