Jamaaliday Gift 20, Reindeer Poop & New Posting Schedule

Hey Jammers! Today is the last day of Autumn! Today, for the 20th day of the Jamaalidays, Mira has given every Jammer a Cookie Table, the same as last year.

Also, there is the Jammer favorite Reindeer Poop being sold again in Jam Mart Furniture.

Anyone else find it strange that Reindeer Poop is being sold in a furniture store? Anyway, you will find the new Jamaaliday Necklace being sold for underwater animals in Bahari Bargains.

The New Posting Schedule

The poll has just closed, and new items and extra information in one post won against them being in separate posts. So, since it's our job at AJC to help Jammers, we are going to do what you asked. Here is how we will post from now on:
-Each morning the new item(s) will be posted. At the end of this post, a small glitch, interesting discovery, or extra news may be posted. 
-At any time in the afternoon or evening, a bigger post may be posted. This will not be on most days. Subjects saved for their own post will be things like a huge glitch, a Journey Book Guide, or an Adventure Guide.
So, does that sound good? I mean, it wouldn't make sense to have a Journey Book Guide in the same post as the new item. Some things deserve their own post.

Anyway, thanks for reading! And since I haven't done one of these in a while, here is a Comment Question:
Do you like it when AJHQ gives the same Jamaaliday Gift every year?


  1. Yep the post schedule sounds good! I wished that they would just stick with new Jamaaliday items, that's just because I have all the old. It's nice though for the people who didn't get the gifts last year.
    ~ dooda123

  2. I wish that AJHQ would just release new items, because then, to the older members, it gives them a sense of being rare instead of a feeling of regret that they didn't trade the returning item away. Same goes for betas coming back.

  3. I want to give you all a hint, ok?

    If you know your parent dashboard, use it. My friend hacks my account, and you can imagine how ticked I am. I lock my account when I do not go on, and unlock it when I want to go on, then I lock it. That is how to keep your account safe from hackers!

    Pass it on!

    1. Seems like a tedious process! Wouldn't it be easier to just reset your password to something longer and harder to guess?

    2. Maybe, that would be easier. Either that or call her up and tell her wrong!
