Jamaaliday Gift 14 & Reindeer Mask

Hey Jammers, today's Jamaaliday Gift is 700 gems!

That's a lot, considering in 2010 we only got 100 gems a day. Also, in Jam Mart Clothing, there is the returning Reindeer Mask!

This is such a fun item, isn't it? The colors are great, too. 

Please remember to answer the poll! My posts will get more interesting once I know what Jammers like.

Also, I am working on a new, awesome theme! It should be a lot better than any you have seen on this blog.


PS: I saw The Hobbit yesterday, and it was quite good. Unfortunately, they didn't make it much like the book, so I would say the movie is about equal to Catching Fire. 


  1. I thought Catching Fire was pretty close to the book. Just remember that they can't fit a whole book into a 2 hour movie. I though Catching Fire was sooooo much closer to the book then the Hunger Games, I also thought it was filmed better. And don't bring my opinion down by saying I'm wrong. Everyone has different opinions and I respect yours.
    ~ dooda123

    1. Yeah, I think both the Hunger Games movies were pretty close to their books. But you can hardly tell The Hobbit is even based on a book. Were you thinking I was saying Catching Fire was different than the book?

    2. No, I'm just saying that The Hobbit wasn't that close but it's still hard to put everything in a movie. Plus there were thing in the book that would be hard to do in a movie so they might have had to change it a little.
      ~ dooda123

    3. Well the thing is, The Hobbit was a quick 300 page book that they are making into 3 three hour movies. So they are adding tons of stuff. I did like the movie a lot, but I think if they made it into just two movies and kept to the book more it would be even better.

    4. So do I, I think they should have made it into a two part movie. Mockingjay will be a two part move and it's 389 pages, so why not The Hobbit?
      ~ dooda123

    5. The Lord of the Rings was about 2,500 pages, so three movies makes sense. But the Hobbit (300 pages...) in three movies is really just a way to make money. Which is ironic because the entire book/movie is about being greedy. :p

    6. IDK of the time stream from those series. After watching the movies it messed me up!

  2. The Hunger Games books r RLLY GOOD! The movies... eh, not so much...

  3. Im a reindeer daddy I can fly! (Wakes up)
