Rare Unicorn Horn

 Hey Jammers! Zach94 here with todays Daily Update. I have to make this more or less a rather fast post, since I am leaving my house soon to go somewhere. Anyway, as Rare Item Monday, todays NEW rare is the Unicorn Horn!
 Awesome! I'm not sure who would use that mixture of colors, though... Also, AJHQ reminded us that we have to turn in our News Crew Reports soon!
 That's all for today! There wasn't much new in Jamaa, so I guess that helped me finish this a bit faster than usual. See you in Jamaa!

Pumaa/Slidoo, if you want, feel free to edit this post to make it longer if you'd like!


  1. I just made a crazy costume 4 my bunny with this. It works well wen the theme is wackiest!

  2. I like how it is rare but it should have different colours
