Pencil Table

Hey Jammers, today's item is in Jam Mart Furniture, the Pencil Table! As far as I know, this is a brand new item. Here are the eight different colors:

Pretty cool animation, right? Unfortunately it takes a while to make, so some days I will probably still use a normal image.

Also, if you haven't already, please answer the poll on the right sidebar, so we know you opinions on the new Autumn Theme!

And, from now on, whenever I (Pumaa) post, I hope to have a Comment Question! So, today Comment Question is this:
Do you like the new Cheetahs, or Snow Leopards more? Why?

I'm not sure if I can decide - they are both very awesome!



  1. Your right, it's a pretty hard choice considering they are very alike on Animaljam, but I would have to say cheetah. I just love they way they run and their build on the game.

  2. Their both cool, but Cheetas are more for people who want to seem sporty and treacherous, but SL look cuddly and furry, but they're both great!

  3. Thanks for you replies, and I think I agree.

  4. I like the snow leopards far better because to me (and I kno this is kinda cliche) but they are cuter. And the cheetahs tail in my opinion is WAY 2 short!
