
Sorry, no new items today! But I have a question for those viewing the blog: Are any of you seeing the new Catching Fire movie today? Or any time soon? You can answer in a comment!

PS: The tabs are back, sorry for any trouble.


  1. Saw it yesterday at 8 (when it officially came out) and I'm seeing it again today, you probably remember from the Hunger Games banners up last March that I'm a big fan :$

  2. Also I think you'll have to re upload the navbar using imageshack or imgur, Image mapping website doesn't host images for long and its gone now

    1. Okay, so will imgur keep it up longer?

    2. Imgur will keep it forever. The image mapping site only hosts them for roughly 2 days before deleting, so always upload with imgur or imageshack or tinypic instead

    3. Tinypic is glitching and will only hold jpg

  3. I'm watching it this Saturday! I'm so exided! But of course, books are always better :)

    1. Hmm.. I have to disagree with that. I think apart from less time in the Seam, the movie improved on the book. Maybe Catching Fire will be different.

      (I never understand the book names. It took me the longest time to figure out why it was called the Hunger Games, and I still don't know why it'called Catching Fire...)

    2. Maybe because they're catching Katniss, and trying to kill "the girl on fire"?

      Just my theory :)

      I wasn't able to watch it, was it in theaters or what?

    3. Well the whole book she is right there in District 12, until she a tribute for the games. So it's not like they are trying to catch her.

    4. Well the capital wants her dead because of her starting like the revolts and stuff. They are trying to kill the girl on fire ^.^
      ~ dooda123

  4. I thought the first movie was nothing like the first book. I didn't really enjoy it. However the 2nd movie was AMAZING I loved it and want to see it over and over again! Maybe it's because they got a new director.
    ~ dooda123 (went on the premier at 9:00)

  5. I read all the books and I LUV The Hunger Games!!! Friend me If u luv these books 2!!!!

    1. I like tthe story I have read a lil of the book but i dont luv it yet...

  6. Lol I was looking on the posts and I saw this one lolz I wonderd if it was some secret post!!!
