Propeller and Party

Hey jammers, this doesn't necessarily mean I'll be posting often, but I'll try to. :) Anyway today the propeller has been resold, for underwater animals.
It is in Bahari Bairgains which is in Bahari Bay. I'm hoping The Slidoo will be back in Thanksgiving break! And I posted on my blog that I'm having a 2 years on AJ Party, since I've played Aj for 2 years! I'm sure Slidoo won't mind me posting this... Here is the info:

-Date: November 29, 2012 (Thursday)
-Time: 5:00-5:30 PM Eastern Time
-Reason: Geckoguy's played AJ for 2 Years
-Place: Geckoguy's Den
-Host: Geckoguy

Hope you can come! And hopefully slidoo will be able to come. D: Again, sorry you can't comment.



  1. Aww man! Wish I had been there!

  2. is there a purpouse for the propeller? i dont have membership so i cant tell if it actually does something or not.
